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Laxton, Douglas Clinton, Kevin Wang, Hou Benes, Jaromir Kumhof, Michael Freedman, Charles John, Joice Zhang, Fan Chauvet, Marcelle Mitra, Pratik Carabenciov, Ioan Garcia-Saltos, Roberto Juillard, Michel George, Asish Nadhanael, G. V. Ustyugova, Yulia Beneš, Jaromír Portillo, Rafael Gupta, Pranav george, asish thomas Nadhanael, G.V. Obstfeld, Maurice Manchev, Peter B. Manchev, Petar Selody, Jack G. Alichi, Ali Mursula, Susanna Andrle, Michal Hlédik, Tibor Vlček, Jan Tuma, Zdenek Vávra, David Smidova, Zuzana Kiem, Heesun Kljuev, Vladimir Vladimirovič All co-authors policy model inflation monetary projection oil paper quarterly improve forecast targeting framework rate inflationssteuerung key future macroeconomic qpm prices gpm forward prognoseverfahren properties fiscal price adopted fit features risk global regions production economy guidance lower world geldpolitik india analytical czech economies stability terms target indian bring describes simulations different importance credibility process conventional effective bound strategy fed approach forecasting project small country estimated output indien elements canada transparency geology versus technology structural case expectations primary developments supply shocks forecasts analysis endogenous publication path effectiveness low constrained potential real supported baseline toolkit central banks based view consolidation erdölgewinnung erdölvorkommen Ölpreis outline trade simple stress testing optimal formally flexible june place defined cpi objective context draws experience countries insights credible emphasis strong nominal anchor impact issues
Composed terms projection model inflation targeting quarterly projection forecasting model policy rate monetary policy global projection forward guidance inflation forecast forecast targeting analytical framework paper describes model qpm conventional forward effective lower lower bound small quarterly model india gpm global model regions future oil oil geology geology versus versus technology policy analysis low inflation approach monetary central banks world oil oil output internationale wirtschaft international economy petroleum extraction petroleum resources oil price targeting india india outline outline analytical india key key elements elements properties improve inflation targeting canada regions gpm stress testing india formally formally adopted adopted flexible flexible inflation targeting fit fit june june place place price price stability stability defined defined terms terms target target cpi cpi inflation inflation primary primary objective objective monetary policy context context paper paper draws draws indian indian macroeconomic macroeconomic developments developments experience experience countries countries adopted adopted fit fit bring bring insights insights credible credible policy impact supply macroeconomic stability issues given characteristics india options fit describes analytical using core qpm simulations qpm carried illustrate monetary credibility improving gap model
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Ondra Kamenik Alternative spellings: O. Kamenik
Affiliations OGResearch Internationaler Währungsfonds Česká Národní Banka
Publishing years Series IMF working papers (9) IMF Working Paper (4) Working paper series / Czech National Bank (1) OECD Economics Department working papers (1)