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Pintassilgo, Pedro Grønbæk Kronbak, Lone Munro, Gordon R. Finus, Michael Laukkanen, Marita Nieminen, Emmi Heikinheimo, Outi Parkkila, Katja Oinonen, Soile Romakkaniemi, Atso Artell, Janne Uusitalo, Laura Lai, Tin-Yu Pulkkinen, Henni Levontin, Polina Sandal, Leif K. Liu, Xiaozi Pouta, Eija Ahtiainen, Heini Peltonen, Heikki Pavlova, Yulia Kronbak, Lone Ollikka, Kimmo Iho, Antti Kosenius, Anna-Kaisa Kauppila, Pirkko Bjørndal, Trond All co-authors management non fisheries fischereiressourcen international spieltheorie fischerei game success consumptive fish values organizations fischereipolitik stock stability formation agreements regional cooperative coalition fishing koalition cooperation economic baltic games ifas rfmos states ostsee bioökonomik bioeconomics fischschutz role multispecies analysis sea bioeconomic straddling partition stocks according law managed cooperatively paper results larger kooperation salmon applications optimal sharing benefits case approach allocation fishery introduction accounting outcome preferably analyzes
Composed terms game theory fishery resources non consumptive consumptive values fisheries policy international fisheries fish stock stability success regional fisheries management organizations coalition formation kooperatives spiel cooperative game internationales abkommen international agreement baltic sea success regional success coalition fishing states fisheries conservation game fisheries non cooperative fish stocks according international international law managed cooperatively multispecies fisheries management applications agreements non approach stability cooperative games games fisheries accounting non non cooperation law straddling straddling fish stocks preferably preferably managed cooperatively regional organizations rfmos rfmos paper paper analyzes analyzes stability success organizations organizations game game partition partition function function form form based based classical classical gordon gordon schaefer schaefer bioeconomic bioeconomic model model comprehensive comprehensive analysis analysis economic economic biological biological fundamentals fundamentals influence influence success formation provided provided results results larger larger number number fishing states compete compete fish stock higher higher relative relative gains gains cooperation cooperation lower lower likelihood likelihood large large rfmos rfmos stable overall level
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Marko Lindroos Alternative spellings: M. Lindroos Biblio: Tätig in dem Dep. of Economics and Management, Univ. of Helsinki, Finland
Publishing years Series Springer eBook Collection (1) Discussion papers on business and economics (1) Discussion Papers on Business and Economics, University of Southern Denmark, 8/2015 (1) FEEM Working Paper (1) Stirling economics discussion paper (1) Working paper (1)