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Finger, Joseph M. Baracat, Elías Thorne, Raúl León Winters, Leonard Alan Braga, Carlos Alberto Primo Gulati, Sunil K. Grandes, Martín Olechowski, Andrzej Rajapatirana, Sarath O'Connor, Ernesto Laird, Samuel Quintanilla Villanueva, Rosalinda Kiguel, Miguel A. Primo Braga, Carlos A. Krueger, Anne O. Berg, Andrew Manelli, Alejandro M. All co-authors trade countries argentinien wto liberalization argentina latin handelsliberalisierung safeguards world lateinamerika antidumping protection imports mercosur american round negotiations rules new economy international protectionism protektionismus political organization measures außenwirtschaftspolitik entwicklungsländer footwear case policies lessons economic policy agricultural barriers uruguay regional reforms reform industrial paper example criteria based country argentine contingent multilateral government agreements agreement use doc institutions peru las outcome areas future development doha developing growth para mechanisms cost include north exports sobre exporters unbalanced ftaa market price number
Composed terms trade liberalization wto recht wto law latin america latin american world trade trade organization foreign economic policy developing countries uruguay round safeguards antidumping antidumping latin american trade wto safeguards footwear case honey imports american countries mercosur countries mercosur staaten internationale handelspolitik international trade policy wto rules trade reform round outcome outcome new new areas areas future future wto wto negotiations political economy doha round la argentina industrial countries wto dispute dispute settlement international agricultural trade internationale schiedsgerichtsbarkeit international commercial arbitration regionale wirtschaftsintegration regional economic integration nord süd beziehungen north south relations peru argentina barriers mercosur unbalanced uruguay safeguards trade liberalization lessons lessons argentine argentine footwear protection honey imports development development aspects aspects doha alternative trade export subsidies use safeguards protection measures footwear industry nichttarifäre handelshemmnisse non tariff barriers negotiations europe lessons argentina economic policy political noise sustaining trade reform institutional institutional lessons economy antidumping safeguards argentina américa latina free trade intra regional eu staaten eu countries por la review policy eu uk
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Julio J. Nogués Dr. Alternative spellings: Julio Jorge Nogués B: 1944 Biblio: National Academy of Economic Sciences, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Profession Economist
Affiliations Weltbank Universidad Torcuato di Tella
Publishing years Series Policy research working paper : WPS (5) Policy research working paper (4) Policy Research Working Paper (3) World Bank staff working papers (2) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, Vol. , pp. -, 2008 (1) Directions in Development--Trade (1) Directions in development / Trade (1) INTAL - ITD - STA working paper (1) Documento de trabajo IECI : iniciativa especial de comercio e integración (1) Economía (1) Report (1) DRD discussion paper (1) World Bank, Development Research Department, Economics and Research Staff, Discussion Paper (1) Banco Central de la República Argentina, Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Bancarios, Discussion Paper (1)