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Fagan, G. Honor Acosta, Alberto Waterman, Peter Falcón, Ricardo Cohen, Robin Nadasen, Kathy Hamilton, Douglas Sheehan, Maura Waterman, Peter O'Hearn, Denis Firebaugh, Glenn Mandle, Jay R. Macarov, David Fanning, Bryan García Macías, Pascual Kabonesa, Consolata Asingwiire, Narathius, Brady, Malcolm McEvoy, Peter Delgado Wise, Raúl Wilson, Tamar Diana Pradella, Lucia Cuvi, Juan Viale, Enrique Svampa, Maristella Galitelli, Bernardo All co-authors globalization globalisierung latin social america globalisation development lateinamerika new perspective entwicklung arbeiterbewegung global movements american movement world case political military gewerkschaft entwicklungsländer transformation prospects international challenges results ireland politics different arbeitsbedingungen wirtschaftsliberalismus irland work change water unions studies issues transformationalist great argentina critical theories arbeitsbeziehungen entwicklungspolitik arbeitswelt armut argentinien labour introduction mosaic rethinking complex society responses order internationalism contestation problem exclusion dependency contributions irish south africa economic workers modern
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Ronaldo Munck Dr. Alternative spellings: Ronnie Munck R. Munck B: 1951 Biblio: Argentine sociologist; Professor and Head of Civic Engagement at DCU and a Visiting Professor of International Development at the University of Liverpool and St. Mary's University, Nova Scotia ; Soziologe
Profession Soziologe Hochschullehrer
Affiliations Dublin City University
Publishing years Series Rethinking globalizations (2) Routledge studies in labour economics (1) Routledge critical development studies (1) CROP international studies in poverty research (1) Studies in migration and diaspora (1) Latin American perspectives : a journal on capitalism and socialism (1) Liverpool Science Fiction Texts (1) International political economy series (1) Cultural perspectives on development (1) Zed books: labour studies (1) Latin America / Labour (1) Monograph series / Centre for Developing-Area Studies, McGill University (1)