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Li, Shi Gustafsson, Björn Knight, John B. Fleisher, Belton M. Kim, Seonghoon Ma, Xinxin Zhang, Jun Zhang, Dongyang Begum, Syeda Shahanara Shi, Li Xue, Jinjun Vendryes, Thomas Huang, Qunhui Rupelle, Maëlys de la Kwon, O. Hyun Knight, John L. Knight, John All co-authors china urban inequality child earnings countries rural school wage impact results increased offspring land using effects household industrial economic growth famine chapter differences einkommensverteilung intergenerational education great leap forward rights migration regression based extent decomposition children changes sons fathers entrance senior kinder evidence labour market migrant insecurity rising industry wages lohn common prosperity data persistency effect evolution structure lasting mothers early trap time demographic distribution relation pairs daughters magnitude weaker reported states dispersion second generation direct junior health arbeitsmarkt unterernährung undernutrition mütter bildungsniveau gesundheit landflucht poverty higher new episode labor fetal decompositions estimation son paper mean worker contributed increasing ownership status wirtschaftswachstum generationengerechtigkeit schätzung armut lohnstruktur stadt town firm reduction bangladesh income puzzle shortage surplus temporary pie better people analyzes rapid profile circumstances understanding cities similar
Composed terms earnings inequality bangladesh china inequality urban income distribution intergenerational income income inequality china great great leap leap forward forward famine child income senior school ländlicher raum rural area regression based 2002 2007 income persistency labour market inequality china china evolution industrial wage lasting impact malnutrition offspring offspring evidence evidence china land rights rights insecurity rural china extent child time countries income demographic distribution child sons fathers offspring mothers second generation direct impact impact entrance entrance senior junior school städtischer arbeitsmarkt urban labour market educational achievement rural urban migration economic growth new episode episode increased increased urban urban income evolution migrant migrant labor labor market market china wage structure china lasting impact mothers mothers fetal fetal malnutrition rising earnings china regression based decompositions prosperity chapter wage dispersion intergenerational equity soziale mobilität social mobility growth child reduction bangladesh china intergenerational persistency urban puzzle migrant migrant labour labour shortage shortage rural rural labour labour surplus surplus china china rising education poverty poverty trap trap rural rapid economic profile child mean child son father link sons
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Quheng Deng Alternative spellings: Deng Quheng Deng Quheng
Profession Economist
Affiliations Zhong guo she hui ke xue yuan
Publishing years Series Discussion paper series / IZA (5) IZA Discussion Paper (3) CIBC working paper series (2) China Insights (1) Working paper series / Center for Economic Institutions, Institute for Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University (1) Department of Economics discussion paper series / University of Oxford (1) Working papers / Department of Economics (1) Global COE Hi-Stat discussion paper series (1)