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Stähler, Frank Long, Ngo Van Wilkie, Simon Winchester, Niven Fane, George Feldman, David H. Fang, Ryan Chen, Paul Knox, Daniel Desruelle, Dominique Urata, Shūjirō Ing, Lili Yan Evans, Lewis T. Lloyd, Peter J. Knowles, Stephen Mark Richardson, Martin Asilis, Carlos M. Kleiman, Ephraim Pincus, Jonathan J. All co-authors trade news policy fake free handelsliberalisierung cooperation freihandelsabkommen international
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Martin Richardson Dr. B: 1960
Profession Economist
Affiliations Princeton University Australian National University. Research School of Economics
Publishing years Series Economics discussion papers (11) ANU working papers in economics and econometrics (7) Working papers in economics and econometrics (6) Working paper / Georgetown University, Department of Economics (4) CESifo Working Paper Series (2) CESifo working papers (2) Arbeidsnotat / Samfunns- og næringslivsforskning AS (1) Routledge-ERIA studies in development economics (1) World scientific studies in international economics (1) Working papers in trade and development (1) NZ Trade Consortium working paper (1) Working paper series (1)