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All co-authors tax property value rate deadweight loss land development residual site systems neutral grundsteuer steuerwirkung consider atomistic developer who decides density develop characterized time invariant rates pre post structure arnott identified subset paper investigates relative efficiency idealized non canadian simple differentiated assumption constant rental growth vermögensteuer
Composed terms property tax value tax excess burden tax rate tax tax tax value value deadweight deadweight loss residual site site value property value tax systems real property tax tax effects loss property loss consider consider atomistic atomistic developer developer who who decides decides density density develop develop land land property tax characterized characterized time time invariant invariant tax tax rates rates tax rate pre pre development development land land value rate post post development development residual rate structure structure arnott arnott identified identified subset subset property systems neutral neutral paper paper investigates investigates relative relative efficiency efficiency idealized idealized non non neutral neutral property systems canadian canadian property tax simple simple property tax residual tax differentiated differentiated property tax assumption assumption constant constant rental rental growth growth rate rate wealth tax
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Petia Petrova Alternative spellings: Petia G. Petrova Biblio: Thesis (M.A.), Arizona State University, 2001. Promotion Boston College, 2004.
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series NBER Working Paper (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1)