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Lundahl, Mats Gerner, Kristian Lundahl, Mats Oxenstierna, Susanne Sundström, Niclas Laird, Roy D. Msambichaka, Lucian A. Amani, Haidari K. Ståhlberg, Harald Hansson, Göte Gerner, Kristian All co-authors sowjetunion ussr agrarpolitik russia russland wirtschaftspolitik soviet energy udssr russian systemtransformation putin policy economy agriculture agricultural volkswirtschaft landwirtschaft resource wealth social science dependence economic bad crisis wirtschaft tansania ungarn agrarsozialismus legacy agenda contradictions systemic path choice private systems tanzania incentives proceedings arne ryde symposium frostavallen Öststatsekonomi andropov dead ends eller jordbrukspolitik och ungerska utmaningen polen good stefan hedlund markets zentrale systemwandels rußland verfasser entwicklung fehlschlagen hälfte bauern
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Stefan Hedlund Prof. Alternative spellings: St. Hedlund S. Hedlund B: 1953 Biblio: Ph.D. in economics, Lund Univ., 1983 ; Prof. für Soviet and East European studies (2012)Place of Activity: Uppsala Source:
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Profession Economist Hochschullehrer
Affiliations Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies Uppsala universitet
Publishing years Series Nationalekonomiska Institutionen vid Lunds Universitet, Särtryck (5) Särtryck (4) Reprint Series / Department of Economics at the University of Lund (2) Routledge revivals (1) Routledge studies in the European economy (1) Research report / Nordiska Afrikainstitutet (1) Proceedings of the Arne Ryde symposium (1) Dialogos Economics (1) Nationalekonomiska Institutionen vid Lunds Universitet, Reprint Series (1) Särtrycksserie (1) Lund economic studies (1)