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Khalily, M. A. Baqui Mahmud, Wahiduddin Rahman, Atiq Anwaruzzaman, Chowdhury Bakht, Zaid Sen, Binayak Jahan, Selim Cornia, Giovanni Andrea Quasem, Md. Abul Osmany, S. R. Bhargava, Alok McKinley, Terry Wangyal, Tashi Weeks, John Hasan, Mehadi Tenzing, Sonam Bajracharya, Bhuban Chowdhury, Omar Haider Latif Amritsari, Muhammad Abdul Sen, Binayak Latif, Muhammad A. Ahmed, Meherun Raihan, Selim Anwaruzzaman <Chowdhury> All co-authors bangladesh bangladesch armut poverty development south armutsbekämpfung impact microfinance rural mikrofinanzierung einkommensverteilung human undernutrition südasien entwicklung wirtschaftswachstum unterernährung economic approach income social nutrition food entwicklungsländer entwicklungspolitik menschenrechte ernährung sector sri lanka world challenges rights economy famine economics security
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Siddiqur Rahman Osmani Prof. Alternative spellings: S. R. Osmani Siddiq Osmani Siddiq R. Osmani Siddiqur Rahman Osmani Siddiqur Osmani B: 1949 Biblio: Prof., Development Economics, University of Ulster, UK ; Tätig in dem Bangladesh Inst. of Development Studies, Dhaka ; Tätig in dem World Inst. for Development Economics Research (WIDER), Helsinki
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series WIDER working paper : WP (9) Research report / Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (3) Routledge studies in development economics (2) BIDS research report (2) Working paper / World Institute for Development Economics Research (1) Occasional papers / UNDP Human Development Report Office (1) Working paper / Institute of Microfinance (InM) (1) The Bangladesh development studies : the journal of the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (1) WIDER studies in development economics (1) Research monograph / Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (1) The development economics research programme / DEP (1) Papers and proceedings of the ... biennial conference of the Bangladesh Economic Association (1)