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american politicsirony democracydemocracy uncommonuncommon introductionintroduction americanwomen publicopinion politicspolitics changingchanging politicalpolitical attitudesattitudes americanamerican womenpolitics smallsmall businesspolitics ironypolitics citycity managersmanagers schoolschool superintendentssuperintendents responseresponse communitycommunity conflictconflict womenpublic opinionwomen womenwomen americanpolitics mediamedia ageage groupsgroups americanamerican societysociety lobbyinglobbying interactioninteraction influenceinfluence americanamerican statestate legislatureslegislatures electoralelectoral processprocess politicsbusiness politicsbusinesselite social sciences united states cultural pluralism united states united states politics and government politisches systempolitische einstellungÖffentliche meinungelectoral systemvoting behaviour
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