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Schweizer, Denis Johanning, Lutz Proelss, Juliane Lawrenz, Jochen Crummenerl, Marc Müller, Sigrid M. Schön, Thomas Koziol, Philipp Rudolph, Bernd Roßmann, Philipp Bühler, Wolfgang Schiereck, Dirk Kipp, Martin Rudolf, Markus Haß, Lars Helge Noe͏̈l, Pascal Theis, Markus Elsas, Ralf Ernst, Sebastian Korn, Olaf Heldt, Klaus Crummenerl, Marc Doll, Tilmann Haag, Valentin Georg Grichnik, Dietmar Vogt, Jan Karabiber, Timur Lücke, Marc-Olivier Back, Janis Buchberger, Alexander Neus, Werner Schön, Thomas Roßmann, Philipp Kuhn, Simon Kuhn, Simon Weitz, Sebastian Georg Stehle, Richard All co-authors firm bonds debt optimal cds value correlated defaults conversion financial costs model impact convertible analysis step sector capital green return information market asset real portfolio paper kreditrisiko cost premia evidence empirical investors prices higher values insolvenz insolvency risikoprämie company contingent equity matter valuation benefits bank approach feature crisis firms low use
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Christian Koziol Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: C. Koziol Biblio: Promotion: Mannheim 200
Profession Betriebswirt
Affiliations Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management Universität Hohenheim Universität Hohenheim. Institut für Financial Management Universität Mannheim
Publishing years Series Beiträge zur betriebswirtschaftlichen Forschung (2) Bundesbank Discussion Paper (1) Discussion paper (1) Working paper / Centre for Financial Research (1) Discussion papers / Governance and the Efficiency of Economic Systems (1)