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Years of publications: 1989 - 2021

133 records from EconBiz based on author Name Information logo

1. Leveling the Playing Field


Les sources structurelles des inégalités en Afrique trouvent leur origine dans les lois, institutions et pratiques qui avantagent un petit nombre de personnes et désavantagent beaucoup d'autres. Les différences portent notamment sur les niveaux de vie qui découlent de caractéristiques héritées ou inaltérables, telles que le lieu de naissance, l'appartenance ethnique, la religion ou le genre, et le niveau d'études des parents. Les inégalités résultent aussi des distorsions du marché et des distorsions institutionnelles qui donnent à certaines entreprises, certaines exploitations agricoles et certains travailleurs un accès privilégié aux marchés, à l'emploi et aux débouchés, tout en limitant l'accès de la majorité et les perspectives d'activités rémunératrices. D'après la publication « Leveling the Playing Field : Addressing Structural Inequalities to Accelerate Poverty Reduction in Africa », les politiques visant à lutter contre les niveaux élevés d'inégalités structurelles en Afrique sont également au coeur des mesures qui doivent être prises pour accélérer la réduction de l'extrême pauvreté. Les inégalités structurelles n'ont rien d'inévitable. Les économies qui créent des obstacles à l'égalité des chances peuvent également les supprimer et les remplacer par des politiques visant à réduire les inégalités. En effet, dans le monde entier, les pays où l'égalité des chances est la mieux répartie affichent un taux de croissance plus élevé et un recul de la pauvreté. L'élargissement de l'accès à l'égalité des chances représente l'une des principales chances pour l'Afrique d'accroître la productivité, d'augmenter les revenus et d'accélérer la réduction de la pauvreté. S'appuyant sur les données disponibles les plus récentes pour la région, la publication « Leveling the Playing Field » formule des recommandations visant à améliorer les capacités productives des pauvres et leur aptitude à utiliser ces capacités pour trouver un emploi bien rémunéré, et la conception de politiques fiscales équitables

Sinha, Nistha; eds; Inchauste, Gabriela; Narayan, Ambar;
Availability: Link

2. Understanding the Main Determinants of Telework and Its Role in Women's Labor Force Participation


This paper studies telework as an opportunity to increase women's labor force participation in Mexico. Using data on the availability and use of information technology in households, the paper models women's labor force participation and worksite choice during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results show that telework can potentially increase female labor force participation, particularly among college-educated women. Although this is not the largest segment of women out of the labor force, as many as one in five women with higher education remain outside the labor market in Mexico. In addition, the findings show that family conditions are a clear divide in labor force status between men and women, whereas age, education, and socioeconomic status are not. Caring for children and looking after their husbands or partners seems to be a responsibility that affects women's decision to work. To promote female workers' engagement in the workforce, policies that encourage part-time and hybrid work arrangements, along with well thought out child and senior care programs and access to internet infrastructure need to be considered. Overall, bringing these workers into the labor force would result in productivity and growth gains for the country

Inchauste, Gabriela; Siravegna, Mariel Cecilia;
Availability: Link

3. Why Do People Move across State Borders?


This study uses the 2020 Census to explore the determinants of interstate migration in Mexico between 2015 and 2020 and the earnings gains from migration. The study analyzes both spatial characteristics (push and pull factors in the origin and destination states) and individual factors that influence the decision to migrate and where to migrate. Push and pull factors are assessed using a gravity-type model. Individual factors are analyzed using a multinomial regression model that accounts for migration reasons. Subsequently, the study measures the impact of internal migration on labor income. Earnings gains are estimated using a double selection model that accounts simultaneously for the decisions to migrate and to work. Finally, the paper discusses some policy recommendations that could help leverage internal migration potential for improving women's labor market outcomes

Inchauste, Gabriela; Saavedra, Trinidad;
Availability: Link

4. Intimate Partner Violence against Women : Prevalence, Formal Reporting, and Risk Factors in Chile


Intimate partner violence is among the most common forms of violence against women. In Chile, one in four women who have been in a partner relationship report having experienced some type of partner violence in the past 12 months, whether psychological, physical, sexual, or economic. However, only 22 percent of female victims of intimate partner violence file a formal complaint. This study analyzes the factors that determine the likelihood that a woman will be subject to violence perpetrated by her partner or ex-partner and the factors that determine the probability of reporting the abuse. Individual factors that increase women's risk of experiencing intimate partner violence include being young, having fewer years of education, having a disability, and having been a victim of sexual abuse in childhood. Other factors include characteristics of partners or ex-partners associated with aggressive behavior in public spaces, having been a victim of intrafamily violence in childhood, and frequent alcohol consumption. The household dynamics that prevent women from participating in economic decision-making and the widespread acceptance of inequitable gender norms also significantly increase the risk that a woman will experience intimate partner violence. The likelihood that a woman will formally report intimate partner violence is mainly determined by the frequency of the episodes, characteristics of the partners or ex-partners, economic empowerment, and whether she has support networks

Contreras-Urbina, Manuel; Inchauste, Gabriela; Saavedra, Trinidad;
Availability: Link

5. The redistributive power of cash transfers vs VAT exemptions : a multi-country study

Warwick, Ross; Harris, Tom; Phillips, David; Goldman, Maya; Jellema, Jon; Inchauste, Gabriela; Goraus-Tanska, Karolina;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link
Citations: 2 (based on OpenCitations)

6. Redistribution via VAT and cash transfers : an assessment in four low and middle income countries


As in high-income countries, reduced rates of VAT and VAT exemptions ("preferential VAT rates") are a common feature of indirect tax systems in LMICs. Many of the goods and services that are granted preferential rates - such as foodstuffs and kerosene - seem likely to receive such treatment on the grounds that they provide a means for the government to indirectly target poorer households, for whom such expenditures may take up a large proportion of their total budget. We use microsimulation methods to estimate the impact of preferential VAT rates in four LMIC countries, considering their effect on revenues, poverty, inequality, and across the consumption distribution. We consider whether other policy tools might be better suited for the pursuit of distributional objectives by estimating the impact of existing cash transfer schemes and a hypothetical scenario where the revenue raised from broadening the VAT base is used to fund a Universal Basic Income (UBI) in each country. We find that although preferential VAT rates reduce poverty, they are not well targeted towards poor households overall. Existing cash transfer schemes are better targeted but would not provide a suitable means of compensation for a broader VAT base given issues related to coverage and targeting mechanisms. Despite being completely untargeted, a UBI funded by the revenue gains from a broader VAT base would create large net gains for poor households and reduce inequality and most measures of extreme poverty in each of the countries studied - even if only 75% of the additional VAT revenue was disbursed as UBI payments. This is the first draft of a paper examining the distributional impacts of VAT exemptions and reduced rates and direct cash (and near-cash) transfer schemes in a series of low and middle income (LMIC) countries. All results presented are preliminary; it is being shared in order to elicit comments and provide early sight of findings we consider robust.

Harris, Tom; Phillips, David; Warwick, Ross; Goldman, Maya; Jellema, Jon; Goraus-Tanska, Karolina; Inchauste, Gabriela;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: Link Link The PDF logo

7. Issues in Domestic Petroleum Pricing in Oil-Producing Countries


This paper discusses issues relating to the domestic pricing of petroleum in oil-producing countries. It finds that in most major oil-exporting countries, government policies keep domestic prices below free-market levels, resulting in implicit subsidies that equaled 3.0 percent of GDP, on average, in 1999. Moreover, the paper argues, these petroleum subsidies are inefficient and inequitable - entailing substantial opportunity costs in terms of forgone revenue or productive spending - and also procyclical, complicating macroeconomic management. Nonetheless, the elimination of petroleum subsidies is often politically difficult, although countervailing measures and publicity campaigns can help engender support for reform

Gupta, Sanjeev; Clements, Benedict J.; Fletcher, Kevin Timothy; Inchauste, Gabriela;
Availability: Link Link

8. Educational Choices and Educational Constraints : Evidence from Bolivia


Recent efforts at poverty alleviation emphasize increasing government spending on education. However, even if spending were perfectly targeted, it is not evident that spending by itself will lead to higher educational attainment. Bolivian household data is used in this paper to ascertain the probability of an individual quitting school due to financial or other reasons. Simulations show that government cash transfers can help to improve educational attainment somewhat. However, nonmonetary limitations must also be addressed if educational attainment is to improve significantly, in particular, for indigenous women who have the lowest levels of education in the country

Inchauste, Gabriela;
Availability: Link Link

9. Financial Crises, Poverty, and Income Distribution


Developing and transition economies are prone to financial crises, including balance of payments and banking crises. These crises affect poverty and the distribution of income through a variety of channels: slowdowns in economic activity, relative price changes, and fiscal retrenchment, among others. This paper deals with the impact of financial crises on the incidence of poverty and income distribution, and discusses policy options that can be considered by governments in the aftermath of crises. Empirical evidence, based on both macro- and microlevel data, shows that financial crises are associated with an increase in poverty and, in some cases, income inequality. The provison of targeted safety nets and the protection of specific social programs from fiscal retrenchment remain the main short-term propoor policy responses to financial crises

Baldacci, Emanuele; Mello, Luiz de; Inchauste, Gabriela;
Availability: Link Link
Citations: 15 (based on OpenCitations)

10. Argentina : Macroeconomic Crisis and Household Vulnerability


Using urban household surveys, we constructed a panel dataset to study the effects of the Argentine macroeconomic crisis of 1999-2002 with the aim of (1) identifying the most vulnerable households, (2) investigating whether employment in the public sector and government spending served to decrease vulnerability, and (3) understanding the mechanisms used by households to smooth the effects of the crisis. Households whose heads were male, less educated, and employed in the construction sector were more vulnerable to the crisis, experiencing larger-than-average declines in income and higher dispersion. Households whose heads were employed in the public sector were more protected from the crisis, although higher public spending did not serve to decrease their vulnerability. A significant source of vulnerability was linked to changes in employment status, and we studied the determinants of the probability of being unemployed and of becoming unemployed. Last, we found that households were unable to perfectly smooth income shocks. Given these results, there is room for broadening social safety nets, particularly in the form of public works programs

Corbacho, Ana; Garcia-Escribano, Mercedes; Inchauste, Gabriela;
Availability: Link Link
Citations: 4 (based on OpenCitations)

The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata

Elke Pahl-Weber

Prof., Dipl.-Ing.

Alternative spellings:
Elke P. Weber
Elke Pahl-Weber

B: 1952
Biblio: Fachgebiete: Stadtplanung, Regionalplanung; 2009-2011 Direktorin des Bundesinstituts für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (Bonn); Professorin, Technische Universität Berlin Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung
The image of the author or topic
Source: Wikimedia Commons

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  • Architektin
  • Hochschullehrerin
  • Affiliations

  • Technische Universität Berlin. Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung
  • Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung
  • External links

  • Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
  • Wikipedia (Deutsch)
  • Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
  • NACO Authority File
  • Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
  • Wikidata
  • International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI)

  • Official Website logo Official Website

    Scopus logo Scopus Preview

    Publishing years



    1. Informationen zur Raumentwicklung : IzR (4)
    2. WISO Diskurs (2)
    3. Studies in spatial development (1)