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Fanfani, Roberto Costantini, Mauro Ball, V. Eldon Sabbagh, Maria Pieras, Francesco Roggero, Pier Paolo Brasili, Cristina Blandford, David Westerlund, Joakim Erickson, Kenneth Paul All co-authors agricultural policy economic impact panel farm micro irrigation prices tests european support farmers international new performance production programs einheitswurzeltest landwirtschaft acceptance focus analysis commodity unit root perspective convergence systems policies recent energy study global bubbles panels food countries public agriculture cointegration use cap reform direct payments directions perspectives risk efficiency overview kointegration agrarsubvention agrarpolitik wirkungsanalyse produktivität group model markets behavior relative simple structural breaks power changes monte carlo comparison growth potato
Composed terms panel study eu staaten eu countries unit root test unit root root tests support agriculture economic performance farmers acceptance economic impact impact public public support agriculture international international perspective panel unit agricultural policies agricultural policy direct payments new directions directions agricultural policy economic impact assessment bootstrap verfahren bootstrap approach agricultural subsidy behavior relative relative food food prices prices analysis analysis european european countries structural breaks power panel monte carlo carlo comparison growth convergence agricultural productivity irrigation systems bekaa valley acceptance use new micro focus groups european union production decisions farm policy energy agricultural international trade commodity programs programs risk risk management efficiency productivity eldon ball policy european european perspectives perspectives recent recent developments developments applications applications oecd oecd toolbox eu agricultural policy divergence divergence convergence cap reform health check lessons impact incidence farm farm programs subsidies farm farm productivity productivity efficiency climate change wheat market Öffentliche förderung structural break wirtschaftliche konvergenz economic convergence group study
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Luciano Gutierrez Alternative spellings: L. Gutierrez Biblio: Tätig am Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Sassari, Italy
Publishing years Series Studies in Productivity and Efficiency (2) Studies in productivity and efficiency (1)