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Bensch, Gunther Sievert, Maximiliane Grimm, Michael Munyehirwe, Anicet Lenz, Luciane Vance, Colin Langbein, Jörg Roberts, Gareth Schmidt, Christoph M. Frondel, Manuel Harsdorff, Marek Strupat, Christoph Gerster, Andreas Andor, Mark Andreas Kluve, Jochen Bensch, Gunther Fiala, Nathan Brüderle, Mirjam Anna Vance, Colin Rose, Julian Schraml, Linda Schoofs, Annekathrin Jeuland, Marc Torero, Máximo Chartier, Ryan Kane, Moustapha Tasciotti, Luca Peter, Katharina Toman, Michael A. Bulte, Erwin H. Gotz, Gunnar Munyehirwe, Anicet Huppertz, Max Wagner, Natascha Mbegalo, Tukae Kreibaum, Merle Aryemo, Filder Neubauer, Florian Thielmann, Sascha All co-authors rural effects impacts energy paper grid households cooking access cost based evidence policy improved solar evaluation people data use development developing adoption stoves impact countries low randomized billion using rwanda positive ruanda findings economic biodiesel non elektrizitätspolitik welfare controlled ics investment usage consumption significant energiekonsum wirkungsanalyse recent implications time years elektrizitätsversorgung validity goal program kits urban productive studies effect costs
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Jörg Peters Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: J. Peters B: 1977
Profession Volkswirt
Affiliations Universität Passau University of the Witwatersrand Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Universität zu Köln
Publishing years Series Ruhr economic papers (38) Materialien / RWI (10) Ruhr Economic Paper (5) Discussion paper series / IZA (4) USAEE Working Paper (3) RWI impact notes (2) ZEF discussion papers on development policy (2) RWI Projektbericht (2) RWI-Positionen (2) RWI Projektberichte (2) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (1) World Bank Economic Review (1) RWI Materialien (1) IZA Discussion Paper (1) Policy research working paper : WPS (1) RWI Discussion Paper (1)