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Howlett, Michael Bali, Azad Singh Capano, Giliberto Virani, Altaf Béland, Daniel Foli, Rosina Woo, Jun Jie Araral, Eduardo Xun, Wu Reddy, C. Subba Rami Wu, Xun Hobson, John M. Asher, Mukul G. Asher, Mukul G. Netherton, Alex McBride, Stephen All co-authors public social health state policy sozialpolitik role singapore security reforms education südostasien gesundheitspolitik singapur asia protection southeast reasserting sector asien design policies new states globalisation discontents regulation east income political canada introduction poor planning reregulation cycles regulierung bildungspolitik work case protecting aged indonesia philippines services management hong kong efficiency deregulation rewriting rules housing maintenance welfare capitalism economy paper examines programmes population review chronic continue effective ramesh eduardo araral privatization government reform markets martin painter market lessons delivery business electricity sozialprogramme indonesien gesundheitsreform philippinen hongkong globalisierung globalization deregulierung privatisierung ostasien
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
M. Ramesh Prof. B: 1960 Biblio: Seit 2012 UNESCO Chair of Social Policy Design in Asia an der National University of Singapore
Profession Politologe Hochschullehrer
Publishing years Series Cambridge studies in comparative public policy (1) Routledge studies in government and public policy (1) Edward Elgar E-Book Archive (1) RoutledgeCurzon advances in Asia Pacific business (1) RoutledgeCurzon advances in Asia-Pacific studies (1) International political economy series (1)