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Gutwirth, Serge Friedewald, Michael Stahl, Bernd Carsten Hatzakis, Tally Finn, Rachel L. Gellert, Raphael Schütz, Philip Gellert, Raphae͏̈l Leimbach, Timo Gutwirth, Serge Hert, Paul de All co-authors datenschutz scenarios impact szenariotechnik unternehmensethik policy instrument policymakers ethical dilemma emerging technologies precaution privacy assessment modes risk governance trust ubiquitous information society analysis convergent pervasive ict data protection needs options development legal framework participatory stakeholder drones ethik ethics wirtschaftsethik risikomanagement risiko wirkungsanalyse datensicherheit vertrauen confidence internet wissensgesellschaft multimedia
Composed terms data protection scenario analysis business ethics social web policy scenarios scenarios instrument instrument policymakers policymakers ethical ethical dilemma dilemma scenarios scenarios emerging emerging technologies technologies precaution precaution privacy privacy impact impact assessment assessment modes modes risk risk governance governance privacy privacy trust trust ubiquitous ubiquitous information information society society analysis analysis impact impact convergent convergent pervasive pervasive ict ict privacy privacy data protection needs needs options options development development legal legal framework framework scenario construction process social and economic aspects stakeholder engagement ethical dilemma scenarios privacy impact assessment ethical impact assessment near field communications biometric technologies human enhancement economic ethics technischer fortschritt technological change risk management data security knowledge society soziales netzwerk social network eu staaten eu countries
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David Wright B: 1948 Biblio: tätig bei Trilateral Research & Consulting LLP, London