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Cameron, Lisa Steinberg, Bryce Millett Seager, Jennifer Shields, Michael Johnston, David W. Gertler, Paul J. Ravindran, Saravana Cook, C. Justin Bau, Natalie Cunningham, Scott Olivia, Susan Olivia, Susan Millett, Bryce Arunachalam, Raj Martinez, Sebastian Rotemberg, Martin Khanna, Gaurav Low, Corinne Sharmin, Sreyashi Voena, Alessandra Alzua, Maria Laura Patil, Sumeet Frijters, Paul Logan, Trevon D. Baker-Henningham, Helen Powers, Shawn M. Dinarte-Diaz, Lelys Bertozzi, Stefano M. Pramanik, Rajiv Frijters, Paul Jacobson, Mireille Chang, Tom Hicks, Joan Hamory Nicholls, Michael E. R. Johnston, David Sharma, Anisha Logan, Trevon Nicholls, Michael E.R. Łuczywek, Beata Nicholls, Michael Baird, Sarah Avuwadah, Benjamin Montalvao, Joao Sabarwal, Shwetlena Vyas, Amita Shah, Samir B. Patil, Sumeet Alzúa, María Laura Dow, William H. Friedman, Willa H. Wollum, Alexandra Moucheraud, Corrina Wagner, Zachary Shah, Samir Goldstein, Markus P. All co-authors sex capital work evidence child human using labor market india indien increase investment risk school rural wirkungsanalyse early indonesia indonesien behavior percent while social program districts handedness test effect prostitution workers data time impact increased paper public scores open beauty results intervention life defecation ability important increases left schooling communities effects financial female handed poor premium infektionskrankheit cognitive outcomes probability programs household decreases who significantly households aggregate percentage world kinderarbeit unintended income rainfall crime information economic examine positive access control kriminalität bildungsinvestition consequences criminalizing use education large impacts district years approximately developing points rates decrease right scale shocks natural children change clients decreased improve population sti provide total fewer diarrhea kinder sexual national exploiting local overall lower standard pandemic countries term project taking transfer
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Manisha Shah Dr. Alternative spellings: Manisha Bipin Shah
Profession Economist
Affiliations University of California Berkeley University of California Los Angeles. Department of Urban Planning National Bureau of Economic Research University of California Irvine. Department of Economics University of Melbourne. Department of Economics
Publishing years Series Discussion paper series / IZA (13) NBER Working Paper (12) NBER working paper series (11) IZA Discussion Paper (11) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (11) , Vol. , pp. - (1) Melbourne Institute Working Paper (1) Melbourne Institute working paper series (1) Discussion papers / CEPR (1) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (1) Policy research working paper : WPS (1) Policy Research Working Paper (1) Oxford handbooks (1) Oxford handbooks online / Economic and finance (1)