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Cheng, Zhangxi Van Der Merwe, Justin Arkhangelskaya, Alexandra Carmody, Pádraig Söderbaum, Fredrik Williams, Paul R. Evans, Karen Fraser, Penny Walton, Paul Young, Jock All co-authors africa afrika aid new development foreign entwicklungshilfe global political economy wirtschaftsliberalismus china false start governance emerging powers case african century globalization regionalism social entwicklungsländer wirtschaftspolitik globalisierung entwicklungsplanung wirtschaftsentwicklung entwicklung südafrika
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Ian R. Taylor Prof. Alternative spellings: Ian Taylor Ian Roger Taylor B: 11. März 1944 Sheffield D: 19. Januar 2001Biblio: Prof. für Soziologie an der Salford Univ.Place of Activity: Sheffield
Profession Soziologe Dozent
Affiliations University of Sheffield University of Salford Carleton University University of Durham
Publishing years Series Routledge studies on African politics and international relations (1) Routledge global institutions (1) International political economy series (1) IIIS discussion paper series (1) African issues (1) The making of modern Africa (1) The international library of criminology, criminal justice, and penology (1)