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Heidenreich, Martin Losacker, Sebastian Späth, Sinje Malmberg, Anders Heidenreich, Martin Krüth, Katharina Baier, Elisabeth Koschatzky, Knut Barmeyer, Christoph I. Kädtler, Jürgen Nilsson, Magnus Liefner, Ingo Hansen, Teis Löhr, Meike Chlebna, Camilla Jackwerth, Thomas Löhr, Meike Schiller, Daniel Kirch, Brigitte All co-authors multinational innovation regional innovationsmanagement corporate unternehmen dispersal windenergie wissenstransfer phase projects enterprises companies innovationsprozesse list processes spatial german innovationen wissensbestände learning akteure zentrale concentration different unternehmenskooperation diffusion perspective facing transition analysing actor strategies stagnating acceleration wind industry temporal dimensions knowledge proximity kollaborative innerbetriebliche factors face dynamic selective case strategic networks international organisational organisatorische kunden entwicklungspartner erfolg sozialen kollaborativen innovationsprozessen zugriff adaption extern erfahrungen governance formen externen and control embeddedness approach paper involved phenomenon instead sequential types organising applied functional arenas dispersed constellations innovationsdiffusion systemtransformation energiewende environmental innovations geographical lead markets technology licensing china openness mechanism based analysis energy novelty fades socio technical transitions generation power collaborative nutzung externer
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Jannika Mattes Prof. Dr., Dipl.-Kffr. Biblio: Tätig an der Universität Oldenburg
Affiliations Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Publishing years Series Papers in innovation studies (2) Routledge studies in international business and the world economy (1)