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Bhattacharya, Utpal Ng, David Tat-chee Chang, Charles Wang, Albert Lee, Charles M. C. Guo, Jie Qun Chen, An-sing Leung, Mark T. Charoenrook, Anchada Aida Jorgenson, Brian Kehr, Carl-Heinrich Bhattacharya, Uptal Charoenrook, Anchada Chapman, Duane Slaibi, Ahmad Slaibi, A. Welker, Michael All co-authors market trading returns law stock level insider paper model index markets models skewness asymmetry price data firm short switching garch news prices asymmetric laws classification leverage regime capital securities evidence return better event study analyst shows cost corporate announcements financial investors accuracy equity empirical value option good emerging conditional aggregate selling learn performance shares used effect forecasts unlevered restrictions security enforcement countries using based grunbichler longstaff insiderhandel governance affect oil options conditions sample predictability following traditional efficient relevant relative develop cmg direction investment values world forecasting enforce prediction volume suggests fully terms approach predict increase rules increases different volatility indices set
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Hazem Daouk Alternative spellings: H. Daouk Biblio: Tätig am Dep. of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY
Publishing years Series Working papers / Cornell University, Department of Applied Economics and Management (7) AFA 2008 New Orleans Meetings Paper (1) AFFI/EUROFIDAI, Paris December 2008 Finance International Meeting AFFI - EUROFIDAI (1) AFA 2007 Chicago Meetings (1) CFS working paper series (1) Delovni zvezki / Raziskovalni Center Ekonomske Fakultete (1)