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5 records from EconBiz based on author Name
1. Fostering practice-oriented and use-inspired science in biomedical research
Anckaert, Paul-Emmanuel; Cassiman, David; Cassiman, Bruno;2020
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link
Citations: 8 (based on OpenCitations)
2. Cost-Effectiveness Assessment of Orphan Drugs
Simoens, Steven; Picavet, Eline; Dooms, Marc; Cassiman, David; Morel, Thomas;2013
Availability: Link
3. Evaluating and improving orphan drug regulations in Europe: A Delphi policy study
Picavet, Eline; Cassiman, David; Simoens, Steven;2012
Availability: Link
4. Drugs for Rare Diseases: Influence of Orphan Designation Status on Price
Picavet, Eline; Dooms, Marc; Cassiman, David; Simoens, Steven;2011

5. Drugs for rare diseases: Influence of orphan designation status on price
Picavet, Eline; Dooms, Marc; Cassiman, David; Simoens, Steven;2011
Availability: Link