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Söder, Mareike Schünemann, Franziska Heimann, Tobias Britz, Wolfgang Klepper, Gernot Kreins, Peter Holm-Müller, Karin Gömann, Horst Kellner, Ulla Peterson, Sonja Kretschmer, Bettina Münch, Julia Calzadilla, Alvaro Weitzel, Matthias Brunsch, Annemarie Sipangule, Kacana Lange, Mareike Thiele, Rainer Baum, Sarah Adenäuer, Marcel Henseler, Martin Wilts, Hilke Moreira Dantas, Ianna Raissa Winkler, Malte Hosseini, Mona Zabel, Florian Thiering, Jochen All co-authors land use production change policy energy model eeg climate bioenergy global bioenergie agrarboden agricultural results dart emissions
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Ruth Delzeit Dr. B: 1980 Adenau
Profession Geografin
Affiliations Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. Institut für Weltwirtschaft Universität Basel
Publishing years Series Kiel working paper (11) Kiel policy brief (6) PEGNet policy brief / Poverty Reduction, Equity and Growth Network (PEGNet) (1)