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Klauer, Bernd Jöst, Frank Manstetten, Reiner Schiller, Johannes Wetzel, Heike Petersen, Thomas Schütte, Tom Gutsche, Gunnar Lee-Peuker, Mi-Yong Ott, Konrad Cross, Kathleen All co-authors mandate land solar energy use nachhaltigkeit cooperatives sustainability members conversion support willingness german policy
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Beate Fischer
Affiliations Universität Kassel. Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre Alfred-Weber-Institut für Sozial- und Staatswissenschaften
Publishing years Series Joint discussion paper series in economics : publ. by the Universities of Aachen, Gießen, Göttingen, Kassel, Marburg, Siegen (2) Discussion paper series / University of Heidelberg, Department of Economics (2) Routledge studies in sustainability (1)