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GND: 143928333

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Years of publications: 2002 - 2019

393 records from EconBiz based on author Name Information logo

1. The power of persistence: how demand shocks and monetary policy shape macroeconomic outcomes

Collard, Fabrice; Fève, Patrick; Wangner, Philipp;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link

2. Sovereign debt sustainability with involuntary default

Collard, Fabrice; Habib, Michel Antoine; Panizza, Ugo; Rochet, Jean-Charles;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link

3. Believe it or not, it's all about beliefs!


This paper studies the impact of Higher Order Belief shocks, representing shifts in agents' beliefs about others' beliefs, on macroeconomic outcomes. The dynamic causal effects of these shocks are identified by leveraging a combination of a proxy-VAR approach and DSGEbased instruments. Our findings suggest that these shocks are indeed a key driver of the business cycle and account for a sizeable share of the observed business cycle volatility. Finally, our identification approach ensures that these shocks are not confounded with other structural/fundamental shocks.

Collard, Fabrice; Fève, Patrick; Guay, Alain;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link

4. From buzz to bust : how fake news shapes the business cycle


The proliferation of fake news poses significant challenges for policymakers and raises concerns about its potential impact on economic stability. This paper explores this question, focusing on the macroeconomic effects of technology related fake news in the US for the period 2007-2022. Utilizing a novel dataset of fact-checked statements from PolitiFact, we construct a binary indicator to build a proxy for the exogenous variation in fake news issuance. Adopting a proxy-VAR approach, we show that technology fake news increases macroeconomic uncertainty, exacerbates unemployment, and depresses industrial production. Similar effects are observed for fake news related to the supply side, such as tax rates or the price of gas. On the contrary, fake news related to government finance, market regulation, or the labor market does not impact economic stability. Furthermore, fake news that conveys negative information about technological developments exhibits stronger depressive impacts than positive ones.

Assenza, Tiziana; Collard, Fabrice; Fève, Patrick; Huber, Stefanie J.;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link

5. From buzz to bust : how fake news shapes the business cycle

Assenza, Tiziana; Collard, Fabrice; Fève, Patrick; Huber, Stefanie J.;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;
Availability: The PDF logo Link

6. Believe it or not, it's all about beliefs!


This paper studies the impact of Higher Order Belief (HOB) shocks, representing shifts in agents' beliefs about others' beliefs, on macroeconomic outcomes. The dynamic causal effects of these shocks are identified by leveraging a combination of a proxy-VAR approach and DSGE-based instruments. Our findings suggest that HOB shocks are indeed a key driver of the business cycle and account for a sizeable share of the observed business cycle volatility. Finally, our identification approach ensures that these shocks are not confounded with other structural/fundamental shocks.

Collard, Fabrice; Fève, Patrick; Guay, Alain;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link

7. Believe it or not, it's all about Beliefs!

Collard, Fabrice; Fève, Patrick; Guay, Alain;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link

8. From buzz to bust: how fake news shapes the business cycle

Assenza, Tiziana; Collard, Fabrice; Fève, Patrick; Huber, Stefanie J.;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link

9. Monetary tightening, inflation drivers and financial stress

Boissay, Frederic; Collard, Fabrice; Manea, Cristina; Shapiro, Adam Hale;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link The PDF logo

10. Monetary tightening, inflation drivers and financial stress

Boissay, Frederic; Collard, Fabrice; Manea, Cristina; Shapiro, Adam Hale;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link Link

The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata

Sharmila King


Alternative spellings:
Sharmila K. King


  • University of the Pacific. Department of Economics (Stockton, Calif.)
  • External links

  • Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
  • NACO Authority File
  • Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
  • International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI)

  • Publishing years



    1. FEDS Working Paper (1)
    2. Departmental working papers / United States Naval Academy Department of Economics (1)
    3. Finance and economics discussion series (1)