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Rietz, Thomas A. Lundholm, Russell J. Berg, Joyce E. Ross, Thomas W. DeJong, Douglas V. Sopher, Barry Kennan, John Savin, N. Eugene Suchanek, Gerry L. Palfrey, Thomas R. Isaac, R. Mark Sefton, Martin Myerson, Roger B. Horowitz, Joel Weber, Robert James Nelson, Forrest D. Krishnamurthy, Vasu Frank, Murray Z. Uecker, Wilfred C. Schatzberg, Jeffrey W. Daughety, Andrew F. All co-authors experiment election markets stock wahl experimental spieltheorie
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Robert Forsythe Assoc. prof. Biblio: Tätig an der Univ. of Iowa
Publishing years Series Discussion paper / Center for Mathematical Studies in Economics and Management Science, Northwestern University (1)