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LaFrance, Jeffrey T. Just, Richard E. Tack, Jesse Chambers, Robert G. Chavas, Jean-Paul Hallam, Arne Cavazos Galván, Ricardo H. Coble, Keith H. Beatty, Timothy K. Williams, Jeffery R. Knight, Thomas O. Colby, Scott Falatoonzadeh, Hamid Barrett, Wayne W. Leathers, Howard D. Tolley, H. D. Nelson, Ray D. Cardon, James H. Agnew, G. K. Beatty, T. K. M. Graciano, Timothy Jensen, Farrell E. Ball, V. Eldon Beatty, Timothy K. M. Cavazos, Ricardo Tack, Jesse B. Graciano, Timothy A. Colby, Scott J. Conner, James Richard All co-authors agricultural model agrarproduktion input data output risk inputs risiko agriculture landwirtschaft functions demands expected prices systems aggregate farm aggregation consumption cost error crop investment homogeneity testing econometric research schätztheorie estimation price analysis empirical form behavior outputs variable schätzung preis response flexible specification robust application errors approach aggregable producers technology observable use structural set approaches decision entscheidung management preferences economics structure implications function insurance level ante uncertainty functional new competitive
Composed terms agricultural production input demands statistischer fehler statistical error estimation theory agricultural risk aggregate agricultural risk agriculture expected utility output price risk response response agriculture risk management risk preferences crop insurance ex ante output prices variable input fixed inputs data period entscheidung unter risiko decision under risk expectation formation grain production arbitrage pricing demand system production theory production function agricultural insurance input demand demand systems netput functions homogeneity supply production economics risk analysis cost function functional form production subject subject supply expected realized outputs output prices unknown inputs chosen difficult model aggregate data necessary sufficient sufficient condition specified functions functions input input prices quasi fixed observable inputs inputs committed committed production flexible exactly exactly aggregable aggregable economically economically regular agricultural data life cycle output output price risk conditionally risk risk free free asset asset risky risky financial financial assets savings consumption model input investment consumption apply model shares quantities robust statistics 1960 1999 statistischer test statistical test nachfragetheorie des haushalts consumer demand theory index number implicit netput preferences homogeneity
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Rulon D. Pope Prof. Alternative spellings: Rulon Dean Pope Rulon Pope
Affiliations Brigham Young University (Provo, Utah) University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
Publishing years Series Discussion paper / Monash University, Department of Economics (6) CUDARE working paper series (6) NBER Working Paper (2) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1) Natural resource management and policy : NRMP (1) Natural Resource Management and Policy (1) Proceedings from the annual meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association (1)