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Sahn, David E. Duclos, Jean-Yves Raju, Dhushyanth Ssewanyana, Sarah Pradhan, Menno Lustig, Nora Martinez Pabon, Valentina Sanz, Federico Dorosh, Paul Glick, Peter León, Mauricio Haggblade, Steven Rajemison, Harivelo Génicot, Garance Canagarajah, Sudharshan Alderman, Harold Meyerhoefer, Chad D. Boko, Joachim Saha, Rumki Benin, Samuel Osei-Assibey, Eric Dadzie, Christabel E. Harrigan, Jane Stifel, David Bahiigwa, Godfrey Kramin, Marat V. Meier, Gerald M. Villafuerte, Mauricio Jara, Lily Kramin, Timur V. Dharan, Venkat G. Hoeven, Rolph van der Stewart, Frances DeMaio, Lorenzo Simler, Kenneth Dadzie, Christabel Kanbur, Ravi Kipruto, Samuel Musisi, Albert Asiimwe, Wilson Ntungire, Nicole Rauschendorfer, Jakob Manwaring, Priya Manda, Damiano Kulundu Mutegi, Reuben Muriithi, Moses Kinyanjui Barrett, Christopher B. Samoei, Paul Oleche, Martine Odhiambo Mwabu, Germano M. David, Anda Myamba, Flora Mdadila, Kenneth Ajakaiye, Olu Meier, Gerald M. All co-authors poverty armut social public infant comparisons income paper data multidimensional growth einkommensverteilung spending sector survey taxes ghana changes using government programs armutsbekämpfung robust benefit impact health improvements services time welfare uganda expenditures study national gesundheit program analysis country care protection rates methods indicators reduction determinants madagascar countries results madagaskar tax children kinder macroeconomic policy based literature wirtschaftswachstum trends dominance earnings progressive measurement messung wage effects fiscal world poor despite large univariate measures lebensstandard living recent africa adjustment marginal ecuador status comparison examines height use budgetinzidenz vergleich afrika zentralafrika standards economic development reducing transfer rate rural african households measure areas significant work lateinamerika wirkungsanalyse kindersterblichkeit entwicklungsländer crisis assistance declines millennium spatial saharan policies insurance main similar capita primary schätzung bildungsfinanzierung sub civil evidence long past research interesting dimensions effect
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Stephen D. Younger Alternative spellings: Stephen Younger S. Younger
Affiliations Tulane University CEQ Institute Cornell University. Cornell Food and Nutrition Policy Program Williams College
Publishing years Series Working paper (32) IFPRI Discussion Paper (3) IFPRI discussion paper (3) World Bank Economic Review (2) Tulane University Economics working paper (2) Working paper series (2) Discussion paper / Tinbergen Institute (2) Cornell Food and Nutrition Policy Program Working Paper (2) Social Protection and Jobs Discussion Papers (1) IMF working papers (1) IMF working paper (1) Les cahiers de recherche / Université Laval, Département d'Economique (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-44, 1999 (1) CIRPEE Working Paper (1) Research papers / United Nations University, World Institute for Development Economics Research (1) International Development in Focus (1) Working paper / Center for Global Development (1) Working paper / International Growth Centre (1) International development in focus (1) Social protection & jobs : discussion paper (1) Biblioteca de ciencias sociales (1)