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Years of publications: 1919 - 2022

336 records from EconBiz based on author Name Information logo

1. Regional and ethnic inequalities in Malaysian poverty dynamics

Rongen, Gerton; Zainab Ali Ahmad; Lanjouw, Peter; Simler, Kenneth;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: The PDF logo Link

2. Measuring poverty dynamics with synthetic panels based on repeated cross-sections

Dang, Hai-Anh; Lanjouw, Peter;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link

3. Regression-based imputation for poverty measurement in data scarce settings

Dang, Hai-Anh; Lanjouw, Peter;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link

4. Interactions between sustainable development goals at the district level in Lao PDR

Garcia Rojas, Diana C.; Appelt, Jonas L.; Epprecht, Michael; Kounnavong, Sengchanh; Elbers, Chris; Lanjouw, Peter; Vliet, Jasper van;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: The PDF logo Link

5. The Only Way Is Up?


This study documents short-term economic mobility in Malaysia over the first two decades of the twenty-first century, at the population level and for various subgroups. The findings show broad and steady improvements in well-being, as evidenced by large decreases in chronic poverty and significant increases in persistent economic security. The study employs a synthetic panel approach based on nationally representative micro-level data for 2004-22, with a refinement that allows presenting bootstrap point estimates and standard deviations. In addition, the study investigates several poverty and vulnerability scenarios, as well as relative mobility. First, the results indicate that chronic poverty has decreased to 2-3 percent of the population. Nevertheless, progress is not uniform: around 15 percent of the population in rural East Malaysia lives in chronic poverty. Second, the study finds considerable increases in sustained economic security-the extent of improvement, however, depends on the approach and income thresholds that are used to define security. Moreover, ethnic and regional differences in secure status are sizable at higher income class thresholds. The largest differences are of a regional dimension: an individual in urban Peninsular Malaysia is more than three times more likely to live in economic security than someone in rural East Malaysia. Altogether, the study observes upward movement across the board but little evidence of dramatic changes in the relative positions of societal groups

Rongen, Gerton; Lanjouw, Peter;
Availability: Link

6. How Accurate is a Poverty Map Based on Remote Sensing Data? An Application to Malawi


This paper assesses the reliability of poverty maps derived from remote-sensing data. Employing data for Malawi, it first obtains small area estimates of poverty by combining household expenditure survey data with population census data. It then ignores the population census and obtains a second poverty map by combining the survey with predictors of poverty derived from remote sensing data. The two approaches reveal the same patterns in the geography of poverty. However, there are instances where the two approaches obtain markedly different estimates of poverty. Poverty maps obtained using remote sensing data may do well when the decision maker is interested in comparisons of poverty between assemblies of areas yet may be less reliable when the focus is on estimates for specific small areas

Weide, Roy van der; Blankespoor, Brian; Elbers, Chris; Lanjouw, Peter;
Availability: Link Link

7. Measuring poverty dynamics with synthetic panels based on repeated cross sections

Dang, Hai-Anh; Lanjouw, Peter;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link Link
Citations: 2 (based on OpenCitations)

8. Updating Poverty Estimates at Frequent Intervals in the Absence of Consumption Data : Methods and Illustration with Reference to a Middle-Income Country


Obtaining consistent estimates on poverty over time as well as monitoring poverty trends on a timely basis is a priority concern for policy makers. However, these objectives are not readily achieved in practice when household consumption data are neither frequently collected, nor constructed using consistent and transparent criteria. This paper develops a formal framework for survey-to-survey poverty imputation in an attempt to overcome these obstacles, and to elevate the discussion of these methods beyond the largely ad-hoc efforts in the existing literature. The framework introduced here imposes few restrictive assumptions, works with simple variance formulas, provides guidance on the selection of control variables for model building, and can be generally applied to imputation either from one survey to another survey with the same design, or to another survey with a different design. Empirical results analyzing the Household Expenditure and Income Survey and the Unemployment and Employment Survey in Jordan are quite encouraging, with imputation-based poverty estimates closely tracking the direct estimates of poverty

Dang, Hai-Anh; Lanjouw, Peter; Serajuddin, Umar; Lanjouw, Peter;
Availability: Link

9. Income mobility in the developing world : recent approaches and evidence


This paper examines income mobility in developing countries. We start by synthesizing findings from the available evidence on relative mobility and poverty dynamics. We then describe evidence on economic mobility obtained via synthetic panels constructed from cross-section data. We echo earlier literature in pointing to substantial movement across income classes by households over time: poverty is not inevitably a chronic condition. However, less clear are the factors driving the observed 'churning'. In an attempt to make headway, we consider the story of economic mobility in one village in northern India over seven decades. We describe patterns of poverty dynamics and economic mobility in the village, and we highlight some of the processes that have been important in driving these patterns. While this in-depth case study does not permit inferences to broader populations, it may provide a reference point against which findings from studies elsewhere can be compared.

Himanshu; Lanjouw, Peter;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link

10. The distributional impact of structural transformation in rural India : model-based simulation and case-study evidence


The North Indian village of Palanpur has been the subject of close study over a period of six decades from 1957/8 to 2015. Himanshu et al. (2018) have documented the evolution of the village economy over this period in an exhaustive study entitled How Lives Change: Palanpur, India and Development Economics, and point to two distinct, and staggered, drivers of growth and distribution of income. An early period of agricultural intensification associated with the green revolution saw an expansion of irrigation and the introduction of new agricultural technologies, leading to rising incomes accompanied by falling poverty and fairly stable, or even declining, income inequality. Subsequently, from about the mid-1970s onwards, a cumulative process of non-farm diversification took hold, and was accompanied by further growth and poverty decline, but also a significant rise in income inequality. This process of structural transformation is likely to be occurring more broadly in rural India. In this paper, we construct a simple model of a village economy that captures several of the salient elements of the Palanpur economy and society. We show that this basic model is readily able to reproduce the distributional outcomes observed in the village. We suggest that to the extent that there exist other villages in rural India with such features, similar distributional outcomes might be expected. We indicate, further, that while the non-farm diversification phase of the village growth story was accompanied by rising inequality, the counterfactual of no diversification might well have been associated with an even greater increase. We suggest that non-farm diversification has arguably helped to contain growth in inequality and has played a particularly pronounced role in reducing poverty.

Elbers, Chris; Lanjouw, Peter;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: Link The PDF logo Link

The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata

Jacob Viner

Prof. Dr.

B: 3. Mai 1892 Montréal
D: 12. September 1970
Biblio: PhD, Harvard Univ., 1922 ; Prof. of Economics, Emeritus, Princeton University (1962)
Jacob Viner (3 May 1892 – 12 September 1970) was a Canadian economist and is considered with Frank Knight and Henry Simons to be one of the "inspiring" mentors of the early Chicago school of economics in the 1930s: he was one of the leading figures of the Chicago faculty. Paul Samuelson named Viner (along with Harry Gunnison Brown, Allyn Abbott Young, Henry Ludwell Moore, Frank Knight, Wesley Clair Mitchell, and Henry Schultz) as one of the several "American saints in economics" born after 1860. He was an important figure in the field of political economy. (Source: DBPedia)


  • Economist
  • Affiliations

  • Princeton University
  • University of Chicago
  • External links

  • Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
  • Bibliothèque nationale de France
  • Wikipedia (Deutsch)
  • Wikipedia (English)
  • NACO Authority File
  • Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
  • Wikidata
  • International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI)

  • Publishing years



    1. Princeton Legacy Library (2)
    2. Materials for the study of business (1)
    3. Reprints of economic classics (1)
    4. Lectures on the Harris Foundation (1)
    5. Brookings lectures (1)
    6. Studies in the administration of international law and organization (1)
    7. Harvard economic studies (1)
    8. Sociologii eed economisti (1)
    9. Essays in international finance (1)
    10. Publications de la Société des Nations / 2 (1)