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Kopp, Pierre Didier, Michel Haywood, Luke Yatta, François Frybourg, Michel Terny, Guy Navarre, Françoise Larrue, Corinne McLure, Charles E. Lee, Chang-woon Fritsch, Bernard Koning, Martin Bocarejo, Juan Pablo Bonnafous, Alain Guesnerie, Roger Costes, Nicolas Darbera, Richard All co-authors france frankreich stadtverkehr economic transport les congestion paris development decentralization engpass bottleneck maut dezentralisierung entwicklungsländer coûts urban public services countries local role verkehrsstau verkehrsinfrastruktur finanzausgleich electric vehicles tentative environmental itf koti joint seminar green essai infrastructures mobilité croissance benefits economics lessons politique parisienne transports coût une charge traffic privatization projets ppp choix
Composed terms urban transport developing countries road pricing traffic congestion cost benefit analysis transport infrastructure Öffentliche investition public investment intergovernmental transfers electric vehicles tentative economic itf koti koti joint joint seminar infrastructures transport transport mobilité mobilité croissance le coût congestion charge projets ppp choix investissements local tax les coûts la gestion public transport Öffentlicher nahverkehr local public transport Öffentlicher verkehr kosten nutzen analyse ile de france Öffentlich private partnerschaft public private partnership project evaluation intertemporale entscheidung intertemporal choice neue politische Ökonomie public choice kommunale dienstleistung local public services räumliche verteilung spatial distribution economic cost cost subway subway congestion congestion estimates estimates paris paris electric vehicles tentative economic environmental environmental evaluation evaluation prepared prepared itf seminar green green growth growth transport transport itf seminar paris paris introduction introduction free free sur sur le le marché marché mobiles mobiles essai essai analyse analyse coûts coûts bénéfices croissance rapport bus line paris costs benefits economics urban tolls ile france
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Rémy Prud'homme Prof. Alternative spellings: R. Prud'homme Rémy Prud'Homme B: 1936 Biblio: Prof. émérite à L'Univ. Paris XII
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series OECD/ITF Joint Transport Research Centre discussion papers (1) Les rapports du Conseil d'Analyse Economique (1) Aménagement du territoire et environnement (1) CCEET series (1) Proceedings of the ... congress of the International Institute of Public Finance (1) Transport espace société (1) Publications de l' I.E.D.E.S. (1)