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Vandekerckhove, Jan Veugelers, Reinhilde Kesteloot, Katrien Sleuwaegen, Leo Luyten, Adriaan Crombez, Christophe Henriques, Irene Wu, Changqi Slaets, Patrick Cassiman, Bruno Baron, David P. Debackere, Koenraad Lievens, Daniel Dehandschutter, Wim V. All co-authors spillovers strategic industrieforschung competition wettbewerb asymmetric innovation leaders cooperation follower investments followers investment oligopoly belgium investition oligopol belgien european leader innovative unternehmenskooperation transnational metal wettbewerbsstrategie unternehmensplanung sequential winner price activities industrial een informatie industries industry paper specific tendencies outgoing spillover duopol duopoly spieltheorie union sector reinforcing obstructing factors help relations research development leuven innovatie kennis demand creating symmetric degree number rivals maximum effective concurrentie van groups multinational market coo͏̈peratie vriendelijke wederkerige duidelijke strategie unions generally despite bargaining takes account imports reservation wages predictions levels firms consequences output comparison argued invest entry result externalities metallindustrie tarifverhandlungen gewerkschaftspolitik preismanagement industrieökonomik unternehmenskonzentration reflections relation pricing choke inverted laudatio professor david
Composed terms industrial research asymmetric spillovers spillover effekt spillover effect leaders followers strategic investments leader follower inter firm cooperation strategic investment competitive strategy corporate planning european metal innovative activities outgoing spillover multinationales unternehmen transnational corporation game theory transnational union union cooperation cooperation european metal sector sector reinforcing reinforcing obstructing obstructing factors spillovers sequential sequential strategic investments innovation innovation leaders leaders winner follower strategic investments asymmetric research development industrial organization informatie kennis investment asymmetric demand creating creating symmetric symmetric oligopoly spillovers degree degree spillovers spillovers number number rivals rivals maximum maximum effective investment spillovers innovative strategic strategic groups groups multinational multinational industries coo͏̈peratie een een vriendelijke vriendelijke wederkerige wederkerige duidelijke duidelijke strategie collective bargaining metal industry reservation wages followers leaders eu staaten eu countries union behaviour extensives spiel kooperatives spiel allgemeines gleichgewicht investment decision pricing strategy market concentration factors transnational factors asymmetric winner asymmetric winner leader reflections relation pricing help help choke choke price david baron aan een leuven maart van nieuwe
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Raymond De Bondt Alternative spellings: Raymond DeBondt Raymond R. De Bondt Raymond de Bondt R. DeBondt Biblio: Tätig an der Katholieke Univ. Leuven
Publishing years Series Onderzoeksrapport / Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Departement voor Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen (10) Bedrijfseconomische verhandeling (4) MSI (3) Research report / Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Applied Economics, Department of Applied Economics (2)