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Gregory, Paul R. Ethier, Wilfred Cox, W. Michael Gould, David Jones, Ronald Winthrop Dogan, Can Anderson, M. D. Yoon, Young-deak Woodbridge, Graeme L. Rassekh, Farhad All co-authors trade außenwirtschaftstheorie comparative advantage international principles increasing returns disadvantage economics country growth skalenertrag protectionism scale tariffs capital factor protektionismus cost external economies model microeconomics production policy economic movements mikroökonomik
Composed terms international economics comparative advantage komparativer vorteil increasing returns international trade returns to scale principles economics economics principles principles microeconomics exportinduziertes wachstum export led growth endogenes wachstumsmodell endogenous growth model protectionism increasing comparative cost cost disadvantage external economies economies scale scale comparative trade deficits comparative disadvantage country comparative foreign economic policy externer effekt economic theory capital mobility trade protectionism returns comparative variety globalization globalization social social efficiency technology transfer quasi specific specific factors factors worker worker comparative advantage sector sector production production model country bashing bashing tariffs tariffs bilateral bilateral trade
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Roy J. Ruffin Prof. Alternative spellings: Roy Ruffin B: 1938 Biblio: Tätig am Dep. of Economics, Univ. of Houston, Texas
Profession Economist
Affiliations Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Publishing years Series The Addison-Wesley series in economics (4) Research Department working paper / Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (3) PIER Working Paper (2) Working papers / Penn Institute for Economic Research (2) Working paper / Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Research Department (1) Research paper (1) Reprint series / Institute for International Economic Studies, University of Stockholm (1) Seminar paper / Institute for International Economic Studies, University of Stockholm (1)