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Bergman, Lars Gårn Hansen, Lars Birk Mortensen, Jørgen Nese, Gjermund Whitta-Jacobsen, Hans Jørgen Tjøtta, Sigve Bjørndal, Trond Heimvik, Arild Jensen, Frank Bye, Torstein Schöb, Ronnie Friðrik Már Baldursson Fehr, Nils-Henrik M. von der Bjørndalen, Jørgen Singh, Balbir Nesse, Arvid Andersen, Peder Skonhoft, Anders Rasmussen, Heine Conrad, Jon M. Andersen, Christian Sannarnes, Jan Gaute Donslund, Bjarne Andersson, Bo Olsen, Ole Jess Andersen, Per Andersen, Peder A. R°adahl, Tom All co-authors green optimal markets power paper emissionshandel rule rent certificates elektrizitätswirtschaft norway
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Eirik Schrøder Amundsen Prof. Alternative spellings: Eirik S. Amundsen Eirik Schrøder-Amundsen Eirik Schrøder Amundsen Eirik Amundsen Eirik Schroeder Amundsen E. S. Amundsen
Affiliations Universitetet i Bergen Københavns Universitet. Institut for fødevare- og ressourceøkonomi
Publishing years Series Working papers in economics (23) CESifo working papers (8) Working paper / Department of Economics, University of Bergen (7) CESifo Working Paper Series (4) IFRO working paper (3) CESifo Working Paper (3) Økonomiske skrifter (3) Discussion papers / Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen (2) Münchener Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge : discussion papers (2) Cambridge working papers in economics (1) Working paper series in economics and finance (1) Discussion papers / Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen (1) Arbeidsnotat / Stiftelsen for Samfunns- og Næringslivsforskning (1) Collection "Bibliothèque des matières premières" : Série énergie (1) Rapport / Senter for Anvendt Forskning (1) Working paper (1)