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Llanto, Gilberto M. Tabuga, Aubrey D. Baiño, Madeleine Louise S. Astilla-Magoncia, Danika Fillone, Alexis M. Tiglao, Noriel C. Vargas, Anna Rita P. Ruiz, Mark Gerard C. Ortiz, Ma. Kristina P. Salazar, Christine Ruth Madriaga, Cherry Ann Arbo, Ma. Diyina Gem Salazar, Christine Ruth P. Madriaga, Cherry Ann D. Arbo, Diyina Gem T. All co-authors philippines philippinen study analysis pra philippine policy cost planning capital chain current program assessment model programming national supply review term lessons ports authority business development impact industry greater region enhancing global market medium
Composed terms planning programming philippine retirement retirement authority greater capital capital region impact assessment medium term benefit cost programming systems batangas subic technology policy current program programming capital projects national national agency agency levels industry greater chain connectivity enhancing participation participation global global supply competition policy innovation structure structure characteristics philippines review review components components medium term national national action action agenda agenda productivity philippine privatization south korea study assesses authority pra pra current competitive advantage findings reveal swot analysis cost effectiveness regression analysis cost ratio age requirement php million study employs key informant informant interviews long term port manila subic ports logistics sector retirement provision cost effectiveness analysis infrastructure policy transport infrastructure apec staaten apec countries industrial research asean staaten
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Epictetus E. Patalinghug Biblio: Professor; College of Business Administration, Univ. of the Philippines at Diliman
Publishing years Series Discussion paper series / Philippine Institute for Development Studies (8) Research paper series (2)