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Laxton, Douglas Pesenti, Paolo A. Lalonde, René Faruqee, Hamid Elekdaǧ, Selim Ali Kumhof, Michael Mursula, Susanna Coletti, Donald Freedman, Charles Maier, Philipp Botman, Dennis P. J. Romanov, Andrei Svensson, Lars E. O. Ellis, George F. R. Budlender, D. All co-authors global economy model oil emerging economic inflation price prices based analysis canada scenario authors targeting movements gem monetary assessment version protectionism defuse imbalances spur activity policy scenarios growth demand shock international plpt shocks united states erdölgewinnung schock Ölpreis inflationsrate wohlfahrtsanalyse protektionismus außenwirtschaftspolitik fiscal level path open account macroeconomic models commodity different increase productivity trade finanzpolitik makroökonometrie macroeconometrics considerations bank boc smooth landing crash current effects crisis financial world developments
Composed terms global economy economy model emerging asia terms of trade model based dynamisches gleichgewicht dynamic equilibrium außenwirtschaftliches gleichgewicht external balance oil price price movements movements global based assessment protectionism defuse defuse global global imbalances imbalances spur spur economic economic activity activity scenario scenario analysis petroleum extraction inflation rate welfare analysis mehr länder modell multi country model 2001 2006 foreign economic policy oil prices targeting price level path path targeting open economy fiscal policy inflation targeting economy considerations considerations oil bank canada canada version version global boc gem smooth landing landing crash crash model based scenarios scenarios global global current current account financial crisis commodity prices temporary demand demand shock international topics canada united model gem terms trade policy framework economic models models inflation inflation prices price stability zwei länder modell two country model mehrsektoren modell multisectoral model internationale wirtschaft international economy impact assessment flexibler wechselkurs budget deficit integrated monetary monetary fiscal fiscal model model gimf asia impact food oil price level gem open assessment bank model boc gem protectionism new open macro model policy evaluation crisis boc balancing protectionism usefulness macroeconomic july july use bank
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D. Muir Biblio: Dep. of Microbiology, Univ. of Cape Town (1984)
Publishing years Series Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (3) IMF working paper (2) Staff working paper / Bank of Canada (2) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (2) Staff discussion paper (1) Technical report / Bank of Canada (1) Staff reports / Federal Reserve Bank of New York (1) Conference papers / Second Carnegie Inquiry into Poverty and Development in Southern Africa (1)