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Holland, Kevin Wilson, Nicholas Gschwandtner, Adelina FitzRoy, Felix R. Mueller, Dennis C. Jackson, Richard H. G. Morris, Claire Henley, Andrew Machin, Stephen Schwalbach, Joachim Charles, Susan T. Yasuki, Hirohiko Palfrey, Jonathan Runge, Jürgen All co-authors profit participation gewinn persistence profits analysis model event evidence sharing west zeitreihenanalyse erfolgsbeteiligung modelling long run firms studies productivity produktivität companies new approach test share study implications regression normal returns industrial effects wages engineering organisation germany employee tests hypothesis corporate performance german experience wettbewerb competition wettbewerbsanalyse marktanteil capm index gewerkschaft
Composed terms persistence profits profit sharing time series analysis profits long long run event studies productivity evidence modelling persistence market share implications event normal returns uk engineering engineering firms sharing productivity sharing participation west germany employee participation corporate performance west german german experience 1950 1999 competitive analysis index number trade union wirtschaftskonzentration fusion run analysis analysis companies companies testing testing persistence profits differences differences firms firms persistence run new new approach approach modelling run test test standard standard model model companies companies market share instability instability competitive competitive process process pot pot gold gold winner winner curse curse event event study study auctions auctions mobile mobile telephone telephone licenses licenses uk uk robust robust ols ols estimation estimation market market model model implications studies regression regression non non regression regression models models normal returns implications studies modelling modelling normal returns event studies model model selection selection approach approach pilot pilot study study market mobility analysis time series union wage entry exit exit profit analysis uk
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John R. Cable Prof. Alternative spellings: John Cable J. Cable Biblio: Tätig am Dep. of Economics, Univ. of Warwick, Coventry; Tätig an der Univ. of Wales, Aberystwyth
Publishing years Series Working papers / Department of Economics, University of Vienna (1) Current issues in economics (1) Discussion papers / Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung : Forschungsschwerpunkt Markt und politische Ökonomie (1) Warwick economic research papers (1) Occasional paper (1) IIM-Papers (1) Internationales Institut für Management und Verwaltung (Berlin-West). Discussion papers. 1979,70 (1)