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David, Paul A. Cowan, Robin A. Aghion, Philippe Cassier, Maurice Steinmueller, William Edward Dalle, Jean-Michel Garrouste, Pierre Soete, Luc Rutsaert, Pauline Mairesse, Jacques All co-authors policy innovation technologiepolitik technological wissenstransfer economic wissensmanagement knowledge wissen systems
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Dominique Foray Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: D. Foray B: 1955 Biblio: College of Management (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland ; IRIS-CNRS, Univ. of Paris Dauphine ; Promotionsort: Univ. Lumiére Source:
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Profession Economist
Affiliations École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne Ecole centrale (Paris) International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Centre for Educational Research and Innovation Université Paris-Dauphine
Publishing years Series Maastricht Economic Research Institute on Innovation and Technologie : MERIT (8) Economics of science, technology and innovation : ESTI (3) Discussion papers / Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (2) Collection Repères (2) Economics of Science, Technology and Innovation (2) KOF Studien (1) Special issue on "The economics of standards" (1) Research report / Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, The University of Western Ontario (1) Cahiers de l'ISMEA / AF, Série Histoire quantitative de l'économie française ; 22 (1) Normalisation et organisation de l'industrie (1) L' économie industrielle de la science (1) Special issue on localized technological change (1) Recherches d'histoire et de sciences sociales (1) EBSCOhost eBook Collection (1) The MIT Press Ser. (1) Economics of innovation and new technology (1) EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES IN TRANSITION, Mazza, C., Quattrone, P., Riccaboni, A., eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2008 (1) Edward Elgar E-Book Archive (1) Department of Economics discussion paper series / University of Oxford (1) Working paper (1) Long range planning : LRP ; international journal of strategic management (1) Research policy : policy, management and economic studies of science, technology and innovation (1) MSI (1) Regions and cities (1) CDM Working Papers Series WORKING PAPER-CEMI-2007-002 (1) IPTS working paper on corporate r&d and innovation (1) Biblioteca dell'economia d'azienda (1) Diversité technologique et cohérence en Europe (1)