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Filip Abraham Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: F. Abraham Biblio: Promotion 1987 an der University of Michigan; tätig am Dep. of Economics, KU Leuven
Profession Economist Hochschullehrer
Affiliations Université catholique de Louvain
Publishing years Series International economics research paper (19) Leuvense economische standpunten (5) Leuven law series (5) Discussion paper series / Center for Economic Studies, Leuven (4) Financial economics working paper (3) Seminar discussion paper / Research Seminar in International Economics, Department of Economics, University of Michigan (3) LICOS discussion paper series / LICOS Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance : discussion paper (2) National Bank of Belgium Working Paper (2) Working paper / National Bank of Belgium / National Bank of Belgium (2) Document / Commission of the European Communities (2) Working paper / National Bank of Belgium (2) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (1) Discussion paper series (1) LICOS Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance Discussion Paper (1) Generale Bank lectures (1) Carleton economic papers (1) VATT-keskustelualoitteita (1) Regional disparity (1) Onderzoeksrapport / Algemene reeks / Centrum voor Economische Studie͏̈n; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Departement Economie (1) Discussion paper / Research Forum on International Economics, Institute of Public Policy Studies, the University of Michigan (1) Discussion papers / CEPR (1)