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Shachmurove, Yochanan Gerlowski, Daniel A. Silberman, Jonathan Phillips, Herbert E. Cherkes, Martin Spivak, Avia Becker, Kent Gregory Finnerty, Joseph E. Rajan, Murli Fung, Hung-gay Hakim, Simon Weinblatt, Jimmy Jimenez, Emmanuel Mayo, Stephen K. Zilcha, Itzhak All co-authors foreign location states investment branch plants united security factors markets altersvorsorge aktienmarkt social direct stock country market costs manufacturing auslandsinvestition disinterest deregulation comment portfolio affecting vector autoregression behavior european community international decision analysis state economic news equity linkages countries robert mccormick conditions source regression tech labor deregulierung belgien belgium dänemark denmark frankreich france italien italy niederlande netherlands börsenkurs volatilität volatility responses prime rate change policies federal reserve downside risk postponing benefits implications adding private account options ongoing investments optimizing benefit initiation postponement decisions sequential approach using models analyze
Composed terms location foreign branch plants retirement provision stock market foreign direct direct investment plants united stock markets foreign investment internationaler finanzmarkt international financial market disinterest deregulation deregulation comment investment factors factors affecting affecting location foreign branch vector autoregression european community community stock portfolio selection economic news news equity equity market market linkages linkages uk source country manufacturing branch private finanzplanung personal finance portfolio management betriebliche standortwahl firm location choice multinationales unternehmen transnational corporation 1988 1994 share price comment responses responses prime prime rate rate change change policies policies federal federal reserve reserve downside downside risk risk postponing postponing social social security security benefits benefits portfolio portfolio implications implications adding adding social security private private account account options options ongoing ongoing investments investments optimizing optimizing social security benefit benefit initiation initiation postponement postponement decisions decisions sequential approach foreign states using using vector autoregression models models analyze markets examination impact country country risk movements major major european autoregression analysis note state state characteristics characteristics location investment united ec stock uk economic states unit look tech tech non non tech tax rates costs var model 1986 1990
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Joseph Friedman Dr. B: 1944 Biblio: Seit 1985 an der Temple University, davor Prof. an der University of Pennsylvania, dem Israel Institute of Technology, der Sofia Universität und der Univ. Tel Aviv
Profession Economist Statistiker
Affiliations Temple University
Publishing years Series CARESS working paper (1) Working papers in international business (1) Working Papers in Economics, The Johns Hopkins University, Department of Political Economy (1)