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Leienbach, Volker Piechulek, Helga Artis, Michael J. Hennessy, Elizabeth Cichon, Michael Newbrander, William C. Normand, Charles E. M. Preker, Alexander S. Agénor, Pierre-Richard Miller, Marcus Dohle, Anne Rauch, Armand Preiser, Klaus All co-authors europäischen krankenversicherung health social sicherung sozialversicherung insurance financing financial care international kommission europa soziale mitgliedstaaten gemeinschaft gesundheitswesen gkv armut poverty gesundheitsfinanzierung spanien spain impact global recession poor vulnerable philippines
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Axel Weber Dr. B: 1954 Biblio: Referent beim AOK Bundesverberband, Bonn- Bad Godesberg (1988)
Affiliations Asian Development Bank Forschungsinstitut für Sozialpolitik (Köln)
Publishing years Series Routledge international studies in money and banking (1) Quantitative methods in social protection series (1) Global economic institutions (1)