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Karras, Georgios Kim, Ji Uk Hasan, Iftekhar Oh, Keunyeob Wang, Xiaojun Lozano Vivas, Ana Kim, Bonghan Tallman, Ellis W. Barro, Robert J. Peebles, Gavin Eisner, Robert Joines, Douglas H. All co-authors growth schätzung estimation evidence government wachstumstheorie countries consumption states wirtschaftswachstum zins rate using ricardian endogenous cross capital united implications consumers horizons konsumtheorie fiskalillusion panel dynamics asian test economies monetary rezension evaluate theories country converge neutrality budget deficits stationary asien asia spatial dynamic stochastic banking effects social países variable great depression stock permanently output robert model international data constraints private military productive nineteen déficit presupuestarios tipos interés finite infinite real policy rates exogenous difference nationaleinkommen südkorea wohlfahrtsanalyse variationsrechnung wirtschaftskrise geldpolitik geldmenge bankenkrise mikroökonometrie microeconometrics schätztheorie geldtheorie produktivität productivity haushaltsökonomik convergence analysis regression distribution emissions korean regional incomes catch multiple structural breaks hypothesis allowing sectional dependence price elasticity money demand unity deregulation experience time varying approach efectos did fall facts lower
Composed terms Öffentliche schulden public debt endogenes wachstumsmodell endogenous growth model wirtschaftliche konvergenz economic convergence growth theory economic growth interest rate government consumption ricardian equivalence privater konsum private consumption ricardianische Äquivalenz consumers ricardian ricardian evidence growth endogenous overlapping generations consumption theory fiscal illusion evaluate growth growth theories cross country evidence panel budget deficits panel study regionales wachstum regional growth Öffentlicher konsum public consumption asian countries countries test great depression implications growth using panel panel data data evaluate liquidity constraints private government consumption growth economies converge growth neutrality neutrality money panel states productive evidence countries rezension evidence nineteen nineteen countries déficit presupuestarios tipos interés finite horizons horizons infinite infinite horizons evidence united monetary policy growth rate stationary growth difference stationary spatial durbin model neoklassisches wachstumsmodell neoclassical growth model räumliche verteilung spatial distribution national income south korea regionale einkommensverteilung regional income distribution balanced growth welfare analysis variational method 1960 1992 economic crisis money supply banking crisis lender of last resort 1950 1990 Öffentliche ausgaben public expenditure estimation theory analysis spatial catch rate efectos la
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Paul D. Evans Prof. Alternative spellings: Paul Evans P. Evans
Profession Economist
Affiliations Ohio State University. Department of Economics University of Houston
Publishing years Series Discussion papers / Institute of Social and Economic Research (3) Discussion paper series / School of Economics and Finance, the University of Hong Kong (1) Special issue on long-run economic growth (1)