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John, Kose Ferris, Stephen P. Hirschey, Mark Jandik, Tomas Low, Angie Jayaraman, Narayanan Loureiro, Gilberto Zhang, Dan Li, Xiaoyang Narayanan, Rajesh Hingorani, Archana Niranjan Lim, Jongha Lehn, Kenneth Patton, James M. Thompson, Howard Elliott Sanders, Anthony B. Shenkar, Oded Goto, Mika Damaraju, Naga Lakshmi Davidoff, Steven M. Jandík, Tomáš Lawless, Robert M. Yonker, Scott Anderson, Christopher W. Cronqvist, Henrik Shastri, Kuldeep Spiro, Michael H. De Bondt, Werner Franciscus Marcel Hirschey, Mark All co-authors corporate governance evidence firms financial debt leverage ownership impact target structure international performance global advances economics firm volume market ceos empirical ceo stock role electric shareholder value takeovers board eigentümerstruktur premiums finance acquisitions bondholders disclosure czech effect cross fairness opinions risk targets bankruptcy examine new directors increase managers führungskräfte mergers case literature policy experience john ferris institutional level share research industry scheme utilities findings executive capital boards internal deal returns economic stephen monitoring set takeover related Übernahme regulation return changes annual investor voucher announcements effects prior country negative foreign provide consistent use
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Anil K. Makhija Dr. Alternative spellings: Anil Makhija A. K. Makhija
Affiliations Ohio State University. Fisher College of Business University of Pittsburgh
Publishing years Series Advances in financial economics (24) Fisher College of Business working paper series (10) Advances in Financial Economics (2) Working paper / Centre for Corporate Governance Research, BI Norwegian School of Management (1) Fisher College of Business Working Paper (1) Dice Center Working Paper (1)