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Kriesler, Peter Harcourt, G. C. Nevile, John Warwick Bellofiore, Riccardo Hart, Neil Setterfield, Mark Taouil, Rédouane Baruphakēs, Giannēs Theocaraki, Nicholas Nell, Edward J. Laibman, David Fontaine, Jean-Marc Di Ruzza, Renato Brondino, Gabriel Marques-Pereira, Jaime Bruno, Miguel Theocharakēs, Nikos Garbellini, Nadia Demirbag, Roni Parguez, Alain Esposito, Lorenzo Loranger, Jean-Guy All co-authors post postkeynesianismus economic essays growth effective demand policy keynesianismus political accumulation economy equilibrium historical classical volume marxism capitalism kapitalismus marxismus wirtschaftswachstum wachstumstheorie crisis context structural wirtschaftspolitik investment analysis japan investition wirtschaftstheorie buffer stock traverse australia change australien eurozone finanzkrise aspects perspective view state institutional unemployment observations history asia european modern capital approach kaleckian world strukturwandel asien wirtschaftskrise sectoral distribution approaches social justice conflict process theories critique hicks new capitalist elr schemes fundamental halevi harcourt kriesler bring collection influential papers better finanzpolitik produktionskapazität vollbeschäftigung
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Joseph Halevi Dr. Alternative spellings: J. Halevi B: 1946 Haifa
Profession Economist Dozent
Affiliations Macquarie University University of Sydney Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza" Université de Picardie University of Sydney International University College of Turin Institut de Recherche Economique et de Planification du Développement (Grenoble) University of Connecticut
Publishing years Series Working papers in economics (5) Discussion paper / School of Economics, The University of New South Wales (5) SpringerLink / Bücher (3) FMM working paper (1) UNSW Business School Research Paper (1) UNSW Australian School of Business Research Paper (1) Australian School of Business working paper : Australian School of Business research paper (1) Springer eBooks / Economics and Finance (1) Economie et innovation / Série Krisis (1) CAER working paper (1) Les marchés financiers et les banques centrales dans l'économie monétaire de production ou le choix de la pénurie (1) A. Lowe, P. C. Mahalanobis: un double centenaire (1) La réhabilitation de la demande (1) Actualité de l'inflation (1) Working paper / University of Wollongong, Department of Economics (1)