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Eckert, Andrew Lindsey, Robin Eckert, Andrew VonHohenbalken, Balder He, Zhen Atkinson, Benjamin Ryan, David L. Ford, John B. Ibrahim, Essam West, Douglas C. Dow, Gregory K. Eaton, Buford Curtis Kroner, Kenneth F. Golosinski, Dorothy Wrigley, Neil Dahlby, Bev G. All co-authors shopping einkaufszentrum retail empirical analysis spatial market center tankstelle preismanagement centers canadian retailing alberta store competition pricing wettbewerbsbeschränkung price gasoline uniformity downtown vancouver liquor industry similarity predatory parking einzelhandelsstandort benzin preis verdrängungswettbewerb einzelhandel spirituosen spirits parken location stores planned cycles markets honour privatized chains firm chain growth canada double privatization national coupon automobile insurance hierarchies using brauerei brewery wirtschaftswissenschaft economics mikroökonomik microeconomics unternehmensorganisation privatisierung lebensmitteleinzelhandel spieltheorie filiale tenant patterns near department regional strategic marketing creating competitive advantage daily constant margins recent events proliferation brewers brands beer examination clustering dispersion industrial organization trade social interaction essays curtis eaton june conference held simon fraser university campus evolution exclusive dealing premise sales domino radius neighboring exit case station tale drug use size test neil
Composed terms shopping center spatial competition filling station pricing strategy räumlicher wettbewerb empirical analysis shopping centers retail gasoline edmonton alberta restraints of competition predatory pricing betriebliche standortwahl firm location choice retail location räumliche preistheorie spatial price competition retail trade price cycles liquor store store industry gasoline market retail chains market empirical parking coupon spatial price automobile insurance insurance market moral hazard center similarity center hierarchies buford curtis eaton business organization food retailing game theory kfz versicherung branch office analysis tenant tenant location location patterns patterns near near department department stores stores planned planned regional regional shopping centers strategic strategic marketing marketing creating creating competitive competitive advantage advantage daily daily price cycles constant constant margins margins recent recent events events canadian canadian gasoline gasoline retailing retailing proliferation proliferation brewers brewers brands brands price price uniformity uniformity canadian canadian beer beer markets empirical examination clustering dispersion canadian shopping industrial organization trade social interaction essays essays honour honour curtis curtis eaton eaton june june conference honour held held simon simon fraser fraser university university downtown downtown vancouver centers firm tale cities firm size test free
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Douglas S. West Prof. Alternative spellings: Douglas West D. S. West Douglas Scott West B: 1953 Biblio: Professor of Economics am Department of Economics, Univ. of Alberta, Canada; Assist. Prof. of Marketing an der Univ. of Calgary
Publishing years Series Research paper / University of Alberta, Department of Economics (2)