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Gawer, Annabelle Yoffie, David B. Kahl, Steven J. Suárez, Fernando F. Jansen, Slinger Brinkkemper, Sjaak Selby, Richard W. Jia, Xiao Elenkov, Detelin Kemerer, Chris F. Polenske, Karen Rosel Ichikawa, Nobuko Sinha, Deepak K. Takeishi, Akira Hopkins, Michael S. Bühler, Maria Nobeoka, Kentarō Chen, Jin Silverman, Brian S. Jansen, Slinger Mangelsdorf, Martha E. Rosenbloom, Richard S. All co-authors industry business japanese ecosystems platforms softwareindustrie microsoft development japan book innovation software netzwerkökonomik innovationsmanagement platform product lessons managing toyota technology factories methods historians programs research analysis governance companies people production understanding scholars computer developing cusumano fertigungsprogramm unternehmensnetzwerk digital competition power competitive firms gates survey analyzing networks world markets management methode relations cooperative influence nissan fundamental control open issues academic
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Michael A. Cusumano Prof. B: 1954 Biblio: Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, School of Management, Cambridge, MA, USA
Profession Produktmanager Autor
Affiliations Alfred P. Sloan School of Management
Publishing years Series Edward Elgar E-Book Archive (1) Advances in strategic management (1) Clarendon lectures in management studies (1) Haufe-Management-Praxis (1) Harvard East Asian monographs (1)