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52 records from EconBiz based on author Name
1. Proposals for the prevention of future wars
Bryce, James;1917
Availability: Link
2. Democracy and the organization of political parties
Ostrogorskij, Moisej Ja.; Clarke, Frederick; Bryce, James;1902
3. The new Pacific : British policy and German aims
Fletcher, Charles Brunsdon; Bryce, James; Hughes, William Morris;1917
4. The American commonwealth : in two volumes
Bryce, James;1910
5. Impressions of South Africa : with 3 maps
Bryce, James;1899
6. The American Commonwealth : in 2 vols
Bryce, James; Hacker, Louis Morton;1959
7. The American Commonwealth : in two volumes
Bryce, James;1889
8. Amerika als Staat und Gesellschaft : in zwei Bänden
Bryce, James; Singer, I.;1924
9. Moderne Demokratien
Bryce, James; Loewenstein, Karl; Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Albrecht;1923
10. South America : observations and impressions ; with maps
Bryce, James;1912