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Rothkopf, Michael H. Levin, Dan Selten, Reinhard Phlips, Louis Kagel, John H. Normann, Hans-Theo Martin, Stephen Waehrer, Keith Yang, Fan Rutström, Eva Elisabet Harrison, Glenn W. Pekeč, Aleksandar Saša Crew, Michael A. Tsetlin, Ilia Jia, Justin Bordley, Robert F. Pandolfo, Jordan Mares, Vlad All co-authors auktionstheorie auctions methodology experiment spieltheorie behavioral bidders values common value auction allocation auktion cost efficiency demonstration optimal price field allokationseffizienz effizienz laboratory experimental private rules bid market equilibrium allocative aftermarket mechanism verhaltensökonomik informationsökonomik signaling knowing valuations economy definition simple endogenous number pricing bidding efficient oligopoly futures know who participation second revenue entry affiliated applicant fee experiments observed signalling marktmechanismus oligopol diminished dimensional political frequency competition credible job models methods elicitation revelation dominant strategy adoption experience utility choice averse tests consciously parallel behaviour contracting don optimists model privately informed uncertain bidder markets speculation resource negligible firm sufficiently mechanisms induced observe motivations aftermarkets terms behaviorally size gains implies mutually beneficial seller decisions whether incur competing reserve surplus extracting nutzen derivat spekulation measurement applied
Composed terms auction theory game theory common value asymmetric information allocative efficiency asymmetrische information value auctions optimal auctions behavioral economics economics of information definition methodology number bidders futures market second price market mechanism knowing valuations diminished dimensional dimensional political efficiency definition simple laboratory laboratory demonstration methodology demonstration experimental methods methods elicitation elicitation values private information dominant strategy strategy adoption bidders experience experience pricing pricing rules risk averse experimental tests tests consciously consciously parallel parallel behaviour behaviour oligopoly market contracting contracting don don know know who who optimists privately informed bidder participation bidding second price common efficiency allocation allocation mechanisms induced values values methodology price auctions allocation mechanism mutually beneficial auction mechanism affiliated values whether incur entry fee surplus extracting neue politische Ökonomie public choice economic policy efficient market hypothesis unvollkommene information incomplete information rent seeking welfare cost cost signaling efficiency measurement measurement revealed revealed thresholds valuations diminished political economy economy behavioral stem majors right chose averse bid bid takers takers experimental bid taker
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Ronald M. Harstad Alternative spellings: Ronald M. Harstadt R. M. Harstadt Ronald Harstad Biblio: Tätig am Dep. of Economics, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia; Tätig an der Univ. of Houston, Houston, Tex.; Tätig an der Virginia Commonwealth Univ.; Tätig an der Rutgers Univ., Newark, NJ
Publishing years Series Working paper series / Department of Economics, University of Missouri-Columbia (8) Discussion paper / B (4) Discussion paper / Institute of Social and Economic Research (3) Discussion papers / Centre for Industrial Economics, Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen (2) EUI working paper / ECO (2)