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All co-authors growth tanzania wirtschaftswachstum tansania economic poverty jamaica trust armut jamaika development wirtschaftsreform evidence reforms sustainable countries surplus aspects experiment vertrauen confidence schuldenerlass entwicklung experimental institutional west africa impact efficiency hipc reduce central america caribbean sustainability sector einkommensverteilung mittelamerika arbeitswerttheorie inequality tropic versus nordic sweden french speaking poor benefit adjustment region policy case debt foreign formation finance public expansion rates neoliberal book particular social entwicklungshilfe schweden reputation nordeuropa wirtschaftspolitik entwicklungstheorie staatsquote fairness promises sale reduction examining micro macro
Composed terms economic growth economic reform debt relief economic development cfa franc zone experimental evidence evidence tanzania economic institutional institutional reforms africa impact impact efficiency efficiency growth hipc reduce reduce poverty poverty tanzania central america america caribbean income distribution institutioneller wandel institutional change internationale staatsschulden international sovereign debt karibischer raum caribbean countries labour theory of value 1962 1984 poverty inequality inequality growth growth jamaica tropic trust trust versus versus nordic nordic trust trust experimental tanzania sweden tanzania economic reforms french french speaking speaking west poor benefit benefit growth growth hipc sustainable development development central growth tanzania economic surplus development finance public sector sector expansion expansion economic growth rates aspects sustainability 1988 1998 development aid northern europe wiederholte spiele repeated games wirtschaftliche anpassung economic adjustment nachhaltige entwicklung iwf kredit imf lending development theory government size Öffentliche einnahmen Öffentliche ausgaben fairness promises sale growth poverty reduction examining micro macro links swedish development operation perspective trust tropics tropics experimental west africa growth economic tanzania trust brethren eliciting behavior tanzanian congregation tropic
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Anders Danielson Alternative spellings: Anders J. Danielson A. J. Danielson B: 1957 Biblio: Univ. of Lund, Sweden
Profession Economist Hochschullehrer
Affiliations Lunds universitet
Publishing years Series Working paper / Department of Economics, Lund University (6) Discussion paper / World Institute for Development Economics Research (4) Working paper series / Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, University of Lund (3) SpringerLink / Bücher (1) Lund economic studies (1) Minor field study series (1)