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Mecagni, Mauro Coorey, Sharmini Rennhack, Robert Horváth, Balázs Zhou, Jianping Kochhar, Kalpana Dicks-Mireaux, Louis Mercer-Blackman, Valerie Devarajan, Shantayanan Bergan, Roar Cappelen, Ådne Strøm, Steinar All co-authors relative transition growth economies adjustment effect variability osteuropa disinflation price inflation preis role moderate wage wirtschaftspolitik mittelamerika central america sustained norway using economy policies countries shocks important recovery norwegen macroeconomy thailand road fiscal investment tax capital oil revenues light persistence
Composed terms transition economies eastern europe price adjustment baltische staaten baltic countries gus staaten cis countries disinflation transition economies role role relative central america moderate inflation price variability economic policy relative price relativer preis adjustment macroeconomy macroeconomy central thailand road road sustained sustained growth growth disinflation oil revenues light persistence persistence moderate inflation transition economies paper paper analyzes analyzes whether whether inflation inflation resulted resulted insufficiently insufficiently tight tight financial financial policies policies wage wage pressures pressures protracted protracted adjustment adjustment relative relative prices prices using using new new database database countries countries effect effect relative variability inflation inflation estimated estimated framework framework controlling controlling nominal nominal real real shocks shocks money money wage wage growth growth important important determinants determinants inflation inflation relative variability sizable sizable effect effect inflation inflation initial initial liberalization liberalization small small effect
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Erik Offerdal Alternative spellings: Erik C. F. Offerdal Erik C. Offerdal Biblio: Central Bureau of Statistics, Oslo (1985)
Publishing years Series IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-98, 1996 (1) Occasional papers / International Monetary Fund (1) IMF working papers (1) IMF staff country report (1) IMF paper on policy analysis and assessment (1) Occasional paper / International Monetary Fund (1) IMF working paper (1)