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Ziesemer, Thomas Getachew, Yoseph Yilma Mwabu, Germano M. Hoeffler, Anke Ndung'u, Njuguna S. Aryeetey, Ernest Varoudakis, Aristomène A. Nsouli, Saleh M. Bates, Robert H. Gafa, Dede Kimenyi, Mwangi S. Ndikumana, Léonce Krishnan, Pramila Crombrugghe, Denis de Thorbecke, Erik Abass, Abdul Fatawu Naudé, Wim Bluhm, Richard Gyapong, Anthony Owusu Reinstein, Alan Lander, Gerald H. Oshikoya, Temitope Waheed Mlambo, Kupukile Senbet, Lemma W. Ayogu, Melvin D. Azam, Jean-Paul Bevan, David L. Drine, Imed Asongu, Simplice A. Mold, Andrew Ryan, Terence Bigsten, Arne Collier, Paul O'Connell, Stephen A. Mold, Andrew Mwabu, Germano Getachew, Yoseph Ogunleye, Eric Kehinde All co-authors countries economic wirtschaftswachstum african africa afrika development evidence sub saharan poverty armut reduction economies einkommensverteilung entwicklung developing governance impact study zentralafrika recent policy paper public crisis ssa world role data armutsbekämpfung entwicklungsländer trade instability comparative political finds syndromes importance strategies human country case post success distribution regions large progress using capital elasticity consumption overview terms
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Augustin Kwasi Fosu Prof. Alternative spellings: Augustin K. Fosu A. K. Fosu Augustin Kwasi Fosu Augustin Fosu Augustin Kwasi-Fosu
Affiliations University of Pretoria. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences Aalto-yliopisto. Kauppakorkeakoulu University of Manchester. Global Development Institute Centre for the Study of African Economies University of Ghana. Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research World Institute for Development Economics Research Oakland University. School of Business Administration University of California. Rural Development Research Consortium African Economic Research Consortium
Publishing years Series Working paper / World Institute for Development Economics Research (8) Plenary sessions / African Economic Research Consortium (6) CSAE working paper / Centre for the Study of African Economies (6) Journal of African economies (5) BWPI working paper (4) Discussion paper / World Institute for Development Economics Research (4) Research papers / United Nations University, World Institute for Development Economics Research (2) Brooks World Poverty Institute Working Paper (2) Working paper series / United Nations University, UNU-MERIT (2) UNU-WIDER studies in development economics (2) Routledge studies in development economics (2) Working paper / Center for Global Development (1) International Economic Association Series (1) IEA conference volume (1) CID faculty working paper (1) BWPI Working Paper (1) Human development research paper (1) Department of Economics working paper series (1) Working paper series (1) UNDP-HDRO Occasional Papers (1) AGDI working paper (1) Global Development Institute working paper series (1) Development Centre seminars with the IMF and the AERC (1)