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Battigalli, Pierpaolo Hoek, Wiebe van der Nehring, Klaus Tsakas, Elias Kaneko, Mamoru Mongin, Philippe Dégremont, Cédric Perea, Andrés Herzig, Andreas Lang, Jérôme Campbell, Donald E. Haworth, Barry Brandolini, Dario Zeeman, Erik C. Bolton, Patrick Vickers, John All co-authors belief revision spieltheorie games equilibrium agm beliefs game perfect notion choice characterization common rational state epistemic set form provide extensive pbe sequential rationality bayesian rationalität iterated paper play analysis backward induction model foundations dynamic plausibility function entscheidungstheorie terms player strategies strategy knowledge information models solution wissen structures qualitative strategic properties actual
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Giacomo Bonanno Dr. Alternative spellings: G. Bonanno
Affiliations University of California Davis. Department of Economics
Publishing years Series Working papers / Department of Economics (30) Mathematical social sciences (3) Working paper series / Department of Economics, University of California (3) International game theory review (1) International journal of game theory : official journal of the Game Theory Society (1) Research in economics : an international review of economics (1) Bulletin of economic research (1)